Clarity and conciseness are the two most important goals of legal writing, and these phrases contribute to neither of these goals. Instead of getting the reader to the point, they delay the reader’s arrival and hide the message.
State Tax Officer, Bureau of Investigation (North Bengal) Vs Surinder Kumar Kotnala & Ors. (Calcutta High Court) 1. This intra Court appeal is directed against the interim order dated 25th November, 2021 in W.P.A. No.16096 of 2021 filed by the respondent nos.1 and 2 herein. The respondent nos.1 and 2 had challenged an order passed […]
Deputy Commissioner Vs Nidhi Madhogaria (Calcutta High Court) In this matters the petitioner filed two writ petitions before the Hon’ble Single Judge of Calcutta High Court by challenging the impugned detention orders passed U/s. 129 by the WBGST authority. The petitioner came before Calcutta High Court after exhausting appellate forum. At the time of appeal […]
Sudhir Kumar Vs Padam Singh (Punjab & Haryana High Court) Petitioner never denied his signatures over the cheque in question in the statement under Section 313 Cr.P.C and instead, the affirmative case set up by the petitioner is that the said cheque had been issued for security purpose. The argument thus sought to be raised […]
Circular No. 06/2022-Customs F. No. CBIC-190354/45/2021-TRU Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue (Tax Research Unit) ***** Room No. 156, North Block New Delhi, dated the 17th March, 2022 To, All Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners of Customs/Customs (Preventive), Central Excise All Principal Director Generals/ Director Generals Madam/ Sir, Subject: Information regarding details […]
Nanhey Mal Munna Lal Vs State Of U.P. (Allahabad High Court) Prima facie, perusal of Form GST DRC-01A under rule 142(1A) of the Rules indicates that it is a pre-show cause notice (Pre-SCN) intimation with reference to Section 73(1)/(5) or Section 74(1)/(5) to an assessee so that either he may deposit the amount of tax […]
Snapdeal Pvt. Ltd. Vs State of Karanataka (Karnataka High Court) Karnataka High Court held that intermediary as defined under Section 2(w) of IT Act or its Directors/Officers would not be liable for any action or inaction on the part of the vendor/seller making use of the facilities provided by the intermediary in terms of a […]
Chaitanya S.Nair (Minor) Vs Union of India (Kerala High Court) Parents of the petitioner had divorced by mutual consent and the custody of the petitioner was given to the mother. Though the biological father has been given visitorial rights, that right is at the convenience of the parties. The third respondent has submitted in Court […]
Rita Bhutani Vs State of NCT of Delhi Through Sho & Anr. (Delhi High Court) This petition has been filed under Section 397 (1) CrPC read with Section 482 CrPC challenging Order dated 11.03.2019, wherein Respondent No.2 was granted bail by the learned ACMM (South), Saket Courts as well as Order dated 06.01.2021 passed by […]
The members applying under ICSI – eCSin Amnesty Scheme, 2022 shall be granted immunity from the applicability of the provisions of the eCSin Guidelines, 2019 in respect of the eCSin for which request under this Amnesty Scheme has been made and disciplinary proceedings shall not be initiated entertained in this respect.