Claim cannot be denied to the seller of the vehicle on the fact that the vehicle is sold to another person unless the sale is complete and ownership of the vehicle is transferred to buyer.
Taking into consideration the experience gained while reviewing the dynamic needs of the insurance industry, the TPA Regulations 2016 were comprehensively reviewed in order to examine the scope for allowing operational freedom to both insurers and TPAs.
In the event of death of Karta of HUF, the name of the deceased Karta in the Beneficial Owner (BO) account shall be replaced by the new Karta appointed by the member of the HUF who in such a case shall be senior most member of the family
Setup of ‘GST Refund Help Desk’ in the office of Pr. CCA, CBIC 1. The office of Pr. CCA, CBIC has setup a ‘GST Refund Help Desk’ for addressing payment related problems faced by the taxpayers. Contact details of the Help Desk is as under: Name of Nodal Officer : Ms Anita Rawat, Accounts Officer […]