Seeks to extend the Anti-Dumping Duty (ADD) on imports of Aluminium foil of thickness ranging from 5.5 micron to 80 micron originating in or exported from People’s Republic of China, imposed vide Notification No. 23/2017-Customs (ADD), dated the 16th May, 2017,, till 15th June, 2022. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) New Delhi, the 14th […]
It is hereby notified that the name of CA. M. Jayaraman (Membership No. 207004), shall stand removed from the Register of Members for a consolidated period of 13(Thirteen) months [01(one) year plus additional 1(one) month] with effect from 14th February, 2022.
The articles of food or ingredients or additive imported by the manufacturers or processors for their captive use or production of value added products for hundred per cent exports; or the consignments of articles of food or ingredients or additives imported by the firms or companies for use of their sister concerns or wholly owned subsidiary companies, to be used for hundred per cent export production subject to a defined relationship agreement between the two entities in this behalf and accompanied with Sanitary/Health Certificate issued by the Competent Authority of an exporting country”
Procedure of Incorporation of Company under Companies Act, 2013 S. NO RELEVANT SECTION LAW STEPS RELEVANT FORM TO BE FILED DOCUMENTS REQUIRED 1 Per Section-149(1) (a) of Companies Act, 2013.there should be atleast 03 directors in case of Public Company and 02 directors in case of Private Company Selection Finalisation of first director of Proposed […]
Eligibility of Input Tax Credit (ITC) on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Expenses Under GST 1. Introduction: – Goods & Services Tax (GST) is regarded as the most ambitious and remarkable indirect tax reform in India’s post-independence history. The GST regime is based on uninterrupted and seamless flow of Input Tax Credit (ITC) in order to […]
Establishment of Branch office (BO), Liaison office (LO) or Project office (PO) in India 1. Introduction on the Establishment of BO/LO/PO in India (i) Eligible Foreign entities are permitted to establish BO, LO (Commonly known as Representative office) and PO in India under general or specific ‘approval’ route (ii) Eligible Foreign Entities Includes 5 followings […]
A Demat account holds and maintains shares and securities in an electronic/digital format. A Demat account facilitates easy trading and stock holding. A Demat Account holds all the investments of a person in one place.
Considering the difficulties faced by Chartered Accountant firms/LLPs in submitting the online empanelment for audit of PSUs for the year 2022-23, the O/o C&AG on the request of ICAI has extended the last date for submission of online application from 15th February, 2022 to 22nd February, 2022 as a onetime relief
On the anti-evasion side, CGST Commissionerate, Gandhidham booked a case of irregular availment of Input Tax Credit (ITC) on ‘Base Oil’ by certain Transporters in Kutch who are reported to have been illegally using such ‘Base Oil’ as automotive fuel. Further, such misuse is environmentally egregious. It is reported that the total inadmissible ITC availed is in excess of Rs. 13 Crore and that an amount of Rs. 5.80 Crore has been recovered till date.
Kernex TCAS JV is executing a contract for South Central Railways for design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of onboard train collision avoidance system (TCAS). The applicant is desirous of ascertaining the liability to tax under GST law on the execution of this contract on various counts including place of supply. Hence this application.