Analysis on reduction of Corporate Tax vide Taxation Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 2019 1. The Government of India announced reduction in corporate tax rates for domestic companies in India with effect from F.Y. 2019-20. 2. A new section 115BAA has been inserted to reduce tax rate of 22% (excluding surcharge and education cess) for domestic companies. […]
Section 165 : Number of directorships- With an intention to make certain that directors provide bona fide attention and do justice to the position of directorship in all the companies on which they are directors, a maximum ceiling on the number of directorships has been stipulated by the government.
Seeing the changes made in Income Tax, same were expected in GST. But only law and procedure related changes were recommended. Also, GST rates related to supply of goods and services were proposed to change.
SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 provides mandates that an acquirer shall make a public announcement of an open offer if he is acquiring shares/voting rights, directly or indirectly, which along with his existing holding, will entitle him to exercise more than 25% of voting rights of the target company. However, the […]
New Shipper Review pertaining to Anti-Dumping Duty imposed on the imports of Saturated Fatty Alcohols originating in or exported from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Saudi Arabia, as requested by Pt. Energi Sejahtera Mas, (PTESM) (Producer from Indonesia) and Sinarmas Cepsa Pte. Ltd. (SCPL) (Exporter from Singapore) initiated on 15.01.2019.