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Archive: 16 June 2019

Posts in 16 June 2019

Section 80G approval cannot be rejected on the ground that society is not engaged in charitable activities

June 16, 2019 4287 Views 0 comment Print

Shiv Raj Sharma Shiksha Samiti Bilaspur Vs CIT (ITAT Lucknow) It is well settled position of law that at the time of granting approval under Section 80G of the Act, what is to be examined is the object of the trust and so far as the aspect of income is concerned, the same can be […]

Blanket Quashing of Trademark Removal: Another Chance for defaulters!

June 16, 2019 7038 Views 4 comments Print

Trademark is an important asset for an organization. People spend their sweat, money and life to create value in a brand, which helps to create a different position in the market for their products with other’s products. Organization registers their trademark to extend their protection from infringer/copycats. The registration of a trademark confers upon the […]

Non Filing of Income Tax Return | Offence under Section 276CC

June 16, 2019 17121 Views 0 comment Print

Offence under section 276CC stood committed upon the non-filing of return under section 142(1) within the prescribed time limit. Hence, no case was made out for discharge of assessee.

Quick glance of treatment of sales promotion scheme under GST

June 16, 2019 2331 Views 1 comment Print

There are lot of schemes to promote the sale, however the treatment of the sale promotion schemes under GST is very confusing and complex. in this article I have tried to enlighten on the issues raised in treatment of various sale promotion scheme such as applicability, taxability, input tax credit , valuation and etc. 1. […]

TDS applicability on provision made at the year end

June 16, 2019 129216 Views 9 comments Print

TDS APPLICABILITY ON PROVISIONS MADE YEAR END WHERE PAYEE NOT KNOWN AND AMOUNT INDETERMINATE The Issue is relating to TDS on provisions for Exps. at the year end. The TDS Provisions are very clear that if any amount of Expense is charged to Trading and Profit & Loss account which attracts TDS deduction, TDS has […]

Pruning taxes for products in highest GST slab

June 16, 2019 6012 Views 0 comment Print

India could review the goods and services tax (GST) structure to further prune the number of items in the highest slab of 28% as it attempts to stave off a slump in demand. Some states have favored a reduction in tax rates, worried that the slowdown may get entrenched, and have communicated their concern to […]

Credit note and Discount under GST, and its impact on ITC of recipient of goods or services

June 16, 2019 89364 Views 5 comments Print

Credit note and Discount under GST, and its impact on ITC of recipient of goods or Services Credit note and discount is very common in all kind of business. In general parlance credit note and discount may have same meaning i.e reduction in effective cost to recipient of goods or services. However the act has […]

Password Format for TDS / TCS Deductor/Collectors & Taxpayers

June 16, 2019 29568 Views 2 comments Print

Article explains Passwords for TDS / TCS Deductor/Collectors and Taxpayers related to Registration, Conso File, Justification Report, Form 16/16A/27D/TBR, Intimation received through Email, Form 26AS and Form 16B. Passwords for Deductor Functionality Password Example Registration Password must contain a minimum of 8 alpha numeric characters with at least one capital letter. It is applicable for […]

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