On account of the lapses identified in a statutory audit assignment carried out by M/s S.R. Batliboi & Co. LLP, Chartered Accountants , it has been decided that RBI will not approve the said firm for carrying out statutory audit assignments in commercial banks for one year starting from April 1, 2019. Reserve Bank of […]
ICAI at its meeting held on 25.03.2019 has approved to change the names of 17 Branches of Regional Councils of ICAI set up by the Council as per the change in the name of Cities where these Branches are functioning. THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 4th May, 2019 (CHARTERED […]
ICEGATE has now introduced simplified auto registration for IEC holders based on the email ids already provided by them for registration under GST. Detailed advisory on the same has been placed on the ICEGATE web portal. The simplified procedure does away with the requirement of the digital signature. Circular No. 14/2019-Customs F.No. 450/148/2015-Cus-IV Government of […]
Importers/exporters/customs brokers would not be allowed to upload the previously issued LPCOs on eSANCHIT e.f. 01/07/2019. Further PGAs are required to upload the LPCOs issued by them during the last 15 days from the above cut-off date. Any LPCOs issued on a prior date may also be uploaded by the PGAs on eSANCHIT, in order […]
Deputy Commissioner for Stamps (DC) erroneously directed assessee to pay stamp duty under Article 28(a) of the Stamp Act without properly examining the recitals of the document where the relationship of the donor and the donee was clearly mentioned and without looking into the provisions of Sections 2 and 3 of the Stamp Act, therefore, the order could not be sustained.
In re Maxwell Co. Pvt (GST AAR Uttar Pradesh) Question 1 Whether activity of printing of question papers on behalf of educational institution can be classified as activity of supply of goods or supply of services? Answer 1:- The activity of printing of question papers by the applicant is activity of supply of services classifiable […]
In re Rajeev Kumar Garg (GST AAR Uttar Pradesh) (1) Whether supply of food items at GMUs (General Minor Units) at Railway Platforms which include only counter sale of packed food items, drinks and cooked item shall be treated as ‘Sale of Goods’ or ‘Sale of Service’? Ans 1:– Supply of Food items at GMUs […]
In re G S Products (GST AAR Uttar Pradesh) (a) Whether they are correct in their classification of the filter Elements & Air Filter Assembly mentioned above as parts for Diesel Electric Locomotive for Indian Railways under Tariff Heading 8607 in GST regime or not? Ans: Yes, The correct classification of the Filter Elements & […]
In re M/S Vedant Synergy Pvt. Ltd. (GST AAR Rajasthan) The goods and services supplied by the applicant are classifiable under HSN 998316 (Information technology infrastructure and network management services) attracting GST @ 18% (SGST 9% + CGST 9%). FULL TEXT OF ORDER OF AUTHORITY OF ADVANCE RULING RAJASTHAN Note: Under Section 100 of the CGST/RGST […]
In re Arvind Kumar Agrawa (GST AAAR Odisha) In the Customs Tariff, goods of the same class have been grouped together. Also, the residuary items have been provided separately for each class of goods under each chapter. The Notes to the Tariff, giving explanation to the scope and ambit of the respective chapter have statutory […]