Importers/exporters/customs brokers would not be allowed to upload the previously issued LPCOs on eSANCHIT e.f. 01/07/2019. Further PGAs are required to upload the LPCOs issued by them during the last 15 days from the above cut-off date. Any LPCOs issued on a prior date may also be uploaded by the PGAs on eSANCHIT, in order to enable the beneficiary to utilize the same.
Circular No. 13/2019-Customs
F.No. 450/148/2015-Cus-IV
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
(Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs)
Dated: 3rd June, 2019
All Principal Chief Commissioners/Chief Commissioners of Customs, Customs & Central Taxes and Customs (Preventive).
All Principal Commissioners/Commissioners of Customs, Customs & Central Taxes and Customs (Preventive)
Madam / Sir,
Sub: Implementation of PGA eSANCIIIT— Paperless Processing under SWIFT-Uploading of Licenses/Permits/Certificates/Other Authorizations (LPCOs) by PGAs — reg.
‘eSANCHIT’ application is successfully in operation since 01.04.2018. Further with the objective of further reducing physical interface between Customs/regulatory agencies and the trade and to increase the speed of clearance in both imports & exports, a facility to upload digitally signed Licenses / Permits / Certificates / Other Authorizations (LPCOs) by Participating Government Agencies (PGAs) on eSANCHIT at all ICES locations across India was introduced from 16.11.2018 vide Circular No. 44/2018-Cus. dated 13.11 .2018.
2. Initially, only three PGAs namely CDSCO, CPCB and WCCB were brought onboard eSANCHIT with the facility to upload one LPCO each. Subsequently one more PGA namely DGHC was also brought onboard with all its LPCOs. Now 23 more PGAs with their LPCOs as detailed in the Annexure are being brought onboard eSANCHIT Further, the above mentioned PGAs that were already onboard shall also start uploading their remaining LPCOs.The communication of the IRNs pertaining to LPCOs uploaded by PGAs will also be made to the beneficiaries only through the email ids used for ICEGATE registration. A separate circular is being issued on the requirement of the ICEGATE registration for IEC holders.
3. Since the facility to upload the LPCOs is now being fully made available to the PGAs, therefore,the beneficiaries i.e. importers/exporters/customs brokers would not be allowed to upload the previously issued LPCOs on eSANCHIT e.f. 01/07/2019. Further, to facilitate the members of the trade (beneficiaries), the PGAs are required to upload the LPCOs issued by them during the last 15 days from the above cut-off date. Any LPCOs issued on a prior date may also be uploaded by the PGAs on eSANCHIT, in order to enable the beneficiary to utilize the same.
4. All Chief Commissioners of Customs are requested to issue public notices. Feedback and queries, if any, may be sent by email to
5. Any difficulties, in this regard, may be brought to the notice of the Board.
Yours sincerely,
(Maninder Kumar) OSD (Cus-IV)