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Archive: 02 April 2019

Posts in 02 April 2019

Empanelment of IPs as Administrator under SEBI Regulations

April 2, 2019 864 Views 0 comment Print

SEBI Circular on Empanelment of Insolvency Professionals (IPs) to be appointed as Administrator, remuneration and other incidental and connected matters under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Appointment of Administrator and Procedure for Refunding to the Investors) Regulations, 2018.

Exemption from TDS under Income Tax Law

April 2, 2019 41778 Views 5 comments Print

Various Charitable organizations, schools and colleges who obtain income tax exemption u/s. 10(23)(c) of the Income Tax act approach the banks with whom they have deposits to pay the interest without deduction of tax at source.

GST Penalty & interest order passed by dept is appellable

April 2, 2019 1983 Views 0 comment Print

The writ petition is directed against the order passed under Section 73 (9) of the U.P. GST Act, 2017 dated 21.1.2015 by the Deputy Commissioner, Commercial Tax, NOIDA and the consequential order of penalty and interest thereof. The aforesaid order is appellable under Section 107 of the U.P. GST Act.

IIM does not require accreditation for its Courses: CESTAT dropped service tax demand

April 2, 2019 3036 Views 0 comment Print

M/s Indian Institute of Management Vs C.S.T.-Service Tax (CESTAT Ahmedabad) Ahmedabad CESTAT has dropped demand of service tax amounting to Rs. 56 crore of Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad under the service commercial training & coaching service stating that IIM A does not require any accreditation from running course. CESTAT held that recognition by […]

Initiation of Anti-dumping investigation on imports of Aluminium & Zinc coated flat products

April 2, 2019 1062 Views 0 comment Print

Initiation of Anti-dumping investigation on the imports of Aluminium and Zinc coated flat products originating in or exported from China PR, Vietnam and Korea RP.

Key Issues for finalization of GSTR-9C Certification

April 2, 2019 22890 Views 2 comments Print

While going through the format of Annual Return and GSTR-9C, each of the taxpayer will have to once again have to classify the data and analyze the same which will be too much herculean task. List of such information which needs to be differently worked out for each registration of the taxpayer, is given below:

Importance of Applying Revocation of Cancellation of GST Registration

April 2, 2019 3654 Views 1 comment Print

It is discretion of proper officer to reject the application of GST registration if the information or documents submitted by applicant are found to be deficient. It is possible that the applicant may suppress some material information in relation to earlier GST registration.

Changes in GST, Income Tax & corporate Law wef 01.04.2019

April 2, 2019 17916 Views 1 comment Print

New provisions of GST, Income Tax & Corporate Laws applicable w.e.f April 1, 2019 As we are heading towards the beginning of a new financial year, i.e., Financial Year 2019-20, it’s important to know about the provisions of law applicable from April 1, 2019. The Government had made various changes under Income-tax law, GST and […]

Bank guarantee commission not liable to TDS u/s 194H

April 2, 2019 1791 Views 0 comment Print

TDS u/s 194H was not applicable to bank guarantee commission as the same did not fall into clause (i) of Explanation to section 194H and exemption was provided under section 194A(2)(iiia) in respect of any payment made to any banking company to which any Banking Regulation applies. 

Significant economic presence: Game changer for international taxation

April 2, 2019 9024 Views 0 comment Print

The concept of Significant Economic Presence (‘SEP’) was introduced in the Income-Tax Act, 1961 (‘the Act’) from April 1, 2018 i.e. A.Y. 2019-20 to tax the income of the non-resident arising from transactions relating to any goods, services or property in India, including allowing download of data or software or carrying on business activities in […]

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