In the 34th GST Council Meeting held on 19.03.2019, the Council has come up with the operational details for implementation of the recommendations made by it in the previous meeting. However, as on date, no official notifications have been released by the CBIC. Ongoing Projects (not completed by 31.03.2019): The promoters shall be given a […]
NEW GST RETURNS The new GST returns would be implemented on a pilot basis from April 1, 2019 and will be made mandatory from July 1, 2019 according to the decision by the GST Council. Since the new returns would be run on a pilot basis, the existing return formats (i.e. GSTR-3B) will be continued […]
Any person who thinks to expand its business, needs to have very good business relation. Business relations grows when there are clear terms and conditions finalised between the two and both of two parties agree to adhere to such terms. So for any business deal, the parties to such business must be clear and that […]
Excel Utility for GST Input Tax Credit (ITC) utilization as per new Amendment applicable from 01.02.2019 The Order for utilization of ITC has been changed along with introduction of new Sections 49A & 49B under The CGST Act 2017. Utilization of input tax credit subject to certain conditions “49A. Notwithstanding anything contained in section 49, the input tax […]
Lakme Lever Private Limited Vs CIT (ITAT Mumbai) As regards the depreciation on non compute fee is concerned, we find that the claim was duly made by the assessee in the computation of income. Hence, it cannot be said that the A.O. has not applied his mind on this issue. In this regard, we place […]
Ms. Ashte Logistics Pvt. Ltd Vs Pr. CIT (ITAT Mumbai) ITAT held that Upon careful consideration, we find that the delay in filing the appeal is solely attributable to the wrong advice of the consultant. In our considered opinion, the assessee should not suffer on account of the wrong advice of the consultant, hence, in […]
Guidelines for issuance of FFMC Licence:- A. Eligibility: The guidelines for issue of new FFMC licence and renewal of FFMC licence,are given below: (a) The applicant has to be a company registered under the Companies Act,2013 or under any previous Companies Act. (b) The minimum Net Owned Funds (NOF) required for consideration as FFMC are […]
CIT Vs Kalpana Hansraj (Bombay High Court) Perusal of sub-section (1) of Section 54 of the Act would show that the exemption would be available to an assesse being an individual or Hindu Undivided Family where the capital gain arises from the transfer of a long-term capital asset, not being a residential house provided the remaining conditions […]
Sanjeev Sarin Vs ITO (ITAT Delhi) In this case assessee has within stipulated period, made substantial investment towards purchase of new property and just because builder could not complete construction of residential house, claim of exemption under section 54F of Income Tax Act, 1961 cannot be denied. FULL TEXT OF THE ITAT JUDGMENT This appeal […]
Saurabh Suryakant Mehta Vs ITO (Bombay High Court) In the present case, the Assessing Officer had examined the material collected by the Sales Tax Department, prima facie suggesting that the assessee had indulged into bogus billing activities without actually carrying out the purchase and sale of the commodity. It is on this basis that the […]