Deepak Fertilizers And Petrochemicals Corporation Limited Vs Add. CIT (Bombay High Court) HC held that we do not think that there is any justification for the Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax, Central Circle 8(1) to threaten the appellant/applicant with any prosecution. Even if such prosecution under section 276C is launched, the same shall not proceed […]
All the formations and officers under your jurisdiction should be duly sensitised to step up the preventive vigilance mechanism to rule out illicit movement of currency and commodities;Suitable directions may be given to the formations and officers under your jurisdiction to conduct effective checking and surveillance during the election period to curb illegal activities;
In re Sandvik Asia (P) Ltd. (GST AAAR Rajasthan) Activities performed under the Agreement, though comprises of two or more individual supplies of goods or services, can not be held as Composite Supply . Consequently, such activities will fall under the category of ‘Mixed Supply’ as per definition of Mixed Supply, under Section 2(74) of […]
In re Indo Prosoya Foods Pvt Ltd (GST AAAR Uttar Pradesh) (i) Input Credit attributable to the supply of de-oiled rice bran cake (exempted supply) is to be reversed by the appellant in terms of Section 17(2) of the CGST Act 2017; and (ii) GST @ 5 is payable on supply of de-oiled mahua cake […]
In re Khandelwal Extraction Ltd (GST AAAR Uttar Pradesh) (i) Input Credit attributable to the supply of de-oiled rice bran cake (exempted supply) is to be reversed by the appellant in terms of Section 17(2) of the CGST Act 2017; and (ii) GST @ 5% is payable on supply of de-oiled mahua cake with consequently allowing […]
In re Mrs. Senthilkumar Thilagavathy (M/s. JVS Tex) (GST AAAR Tamilnadu) The above clarification by the Board in the context of the adoption of HS classification in Customs and the duty drawback clearly provides that the bags (handbags/shopping bags) made of cotton are squarely classifiable under Chapter heading 4202 of the Customs Tariff and not […]
EFIs may participate in commodity derivatives contracts traded in stock exchanges in IFSC subject to the following conditions:-2.1. The participation would be limited to the derivatives contracts in non-agricultural commodities only,2.2. Contracts would be cash settled on the settlement price determined on overseas exchanges, and2.3. All the transactions shall be denominated in foreign currency only.
To avoid any delay in grant of export authorizations, it has been decided that w.e.f. 01.04.2019, export authorizations for Restricted items (Non-SCOMET ) shall be issued by the Export Cell, DGFT (Hqrs). The authorizations shall be issued under the signature of FTDO (Non-SCOMET) or any other official designated for the purpose.
Central Board of Indirect Tax and Customs is in the process of drawing a penal of Experts in the area of Financial Crime and Fraud Investigation, Money Laundering and Preventing Corruption for posting in the Maldives. The tenure of deputation is for one year.
‘Home is not just a property – it’s an emotion’, the second you step into one, it becomes a part of you, it determines your mood, your lifestyle, the time you take to get to work or school etc… So, for most people buying or renting a home is not an easy task – it […]