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Archive: 17 February 2019

Posts in 17 February 2019

A Bundle of joy# Budget 2019?

February 17, 2019 1686 Views 1 comment Print

1. Standard deduction in respect of Salaried employees has been raised from Rs 40000 to Rs 50000: 2. Full tax rebate for individuals having taxable income upto Rs 500000 3. Increase in TDS threshold on interest on bank and post office deposits from Rs 10000 to Rs 40000 4. Section 54 Capital gain exemption now extends to two house properties (Once in a life time):

Text of Revised GST ITC Set Off Rules applicable From 1st Feb 2019

February 17, 2019 6123 Views 0 comment Print

Section 49 of Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 amended with effect from 01.02.2019 49. Payment of tax, interest, penalty and other amounts. (1) Every deposit made towards tax, interest, penalty, fee or any other amount by a person by internet banking or by using credit or debit cards or National Electronic Fund Transfer or Real […]

Immunity from penalty & prosecution in case of complaint U/s. 200 Cr. P.C

February 17, 2019 1353 Views 0 comment Print

In terms of the provisions of section 245H of the Act, no immunity from penalty and prosecution can be granted by the ITSC since the complaint under section 200 Cr.P.C. for offences punishable under section 276 CC of the Act, was instituted before the receipt of the application under section 245C.

Section 194IA(2) exemption limit applies to each transferee separately

February 17, 2019 10560 Views 0 comment Print

Limit of exemption of Rs. 50 lakh under section 194-IA(2) was applicable to each transferee separately as each transferee was a separate income tax entity therefore, the law has to be applied with reference to each transferee as an individual transferee / person and not with reference to the amount as per sale deed.

Long term capital gain cannot be treated as bogus on mere surmises

February 17, 2019 3519 Views 0 comment Print

Addition made by AO on the reason that assessee had introduced his own unaccounted money by way of bogus long term capital gain was not correct as AO had not brought any material on record to show that assessee had paid over and above purchase consideration of shares as claimed and evident from the bank account and assessee had produced the relevant record to show the allotment of shares by the company on payment of consideration by cheque.

Bonafide business transaction cannot be taxed U/s. 56(2)(vii)

February 17, 2019 3297 Views 0 comment Print

Difference between alleged fair market value of share and the subscribed value of shares cannot be assessed as income u/s 56(2)(vii)(c) as the transaction of issue of shares was carried out to comply with a covenant in the loan agreement with the bank to fund the acquisition of the business by the subsidiary in USA, therefore, such a bonafide business transaction could not be taxed under section 56(2)(vii) especially when there was not even a whisper about money laundering by the AO in the assessment order.

FEMA / RBI Compliance Checklist

February 17, 2019 151404 Views 7 comments Print

FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999) has acted as a catalyst for the growth and development of various sectors in India. The main aim of FEMA is to facilitate external trade, balance the payments, promote the orderly development, and maintain the foreign exchange market in India. This article covers the Important Compliances to be followed […]

Transaction Value & Valuation Rules under GST with Examples

February 17, 2019 114987 Views 5 comments Print

The provision and rules under this subject has been explained with lot of Example. The articles comprise total 35 examples.    [Section 15 of CST Act and Valuation Rules (Rule 27 to 35)] 1. Valuation of Goods and/or Service [SECTION 15 (1)] “Transaction Value” is the basis for Valuation for supply of goods and/or services […]

MCA Form MSME-1- Compliance to be done

February 17, 2019 196050 Views 17 comments Print

MCA Form MSME-1- Specified Companies (Furnishing of Information about payment to Micro & Small Enterprises Supplies) Order, 2019. In my current article, I will enlighten my friends about urgent secretarial compliance of filing MCA Form MSME-1.

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