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Archive: 23 August 2018

Posts in 23 August 2018

FAQ on ITR -V – How to send / Open, Password

August 23, 2018 5985 Views 0 comment Print

In this Article we have dealth with Some of the FAQ related to ITR -V  i.e. 1. What date should be provided in case ‘Ancestral Date’ is written on PAN Card ? 2. Can I send the ITR-V to CPC by Registered Post?  3. What are other formalities to be done after I print ITR-V?  4. I have not received a copy of ITR-V in my mail id or the ITR-V received in my mail id is not opening, since it is a corrupt file. What should I do? 5. Can more than one ITR-V be sent in one envelope? 6. What is the password to open ITR-V

Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) for Indian & Non Resident

August 23, 2018 298120 Views 27 comments Print

Tax Residency Certificate (TRC)  For Indian Resident Assessee From 01.4.2013 the India Residents who earns Income from Countries with which India have a DTAA can obtain  a Tax Residency Certificate from Income Tax Department. The same may be submitted to the Payer to claim DTAA Benefit.An assessee, being a resident in India, shall, for obtaining a certificate of residence for the purposes of an agreement referred to in section 90 and section 90A, make an application in Form No. 10FA to the Assessing Officer.

Disallowance on account of Non-deduction of TDS – Section 40(a)(ia)

August 23, 2018 232131 Views 0 comment Print

The provisions of Section 40(a)(ia) of the Act were brought on Statute by Finance Act 2004, w.e.f. 01.04.2005, i.e the same is applicable for assessment year 2005-06 and subsequent assessment years.

Accommodation entries from fake companies – Case Laws, Assessment Issues

August 23, 2018 92746 Views 0 comment Print

When we refer to an entry of loan transaction as ‘fake loan’ received from a ‘paper company’, it invariably means that such entry represents unaccounted money of the person in whose books of account the money has been credited as loan and the lender company is only a conduit for routing the money back to the books of account of that person. However, despite having knowledge of this fact and knowing the techniques and methods used by the assessees for this purpose, it remains a huge challenge for the tax authorities to bring all material facts and evidences on record so as to prove which in his opinion is a fact beyond doubt.

Clubbing of Income Under the Income Tax Act,1961

August 23, 2018 23872 Views 4 comments Print

Generally person is liable to pay tax only on the income which is earned by him. However provisions of Section 60 to 64 of Income Tax Act 1961 may make you liable to pay tax on income which is not earned by you.Inclusion of others income in the income of assessee is called“Clubbing of income” and such clubbed income is termed as “Deemed Income”.

Useful tips to save Income Tax in F.Y. 2018-19

August 23, 2018 71686 Views 0 comment Print

Tax Planning is most important part of Finance Planning for Tax Payers In India especially for Individual and Salaried tax Payers. In this Article we are discussing some Tax Planning Tips mainly for Individual and Salaried tax payers by which they can minimise their tax burden for Financial Year 2018-19 or Assessment year 2019-20

Understanding the role of the AAR through recent GST rulings

August 23, 2018 2025 Views 0 comment Print

The system of Advance Rulings in the matters of taxation was introduced in India under the Income Tax Act of 1961. The idea was to provide taxable entities a facility that helped them ascertain their tax liabilities without having to enter a long-drawn litigation or an expensive tussle with the Income Tax department. In 1993, […]

Whether Form ‘C’ should be made available to an assessee even after implementation of GST?

August 23, 2018 45501 Views 5 comments Print

Article discusses Whether Form ‘C’ should be made available to an assessee even after implementation of the goods and services tax?

PREPAYMENT of a debt or EXTENDING term of debt – If passes SPPI test?

August 23, 2018 1593 Views 1 comment Print

Often debts include clauses in which either borrower or an issuer can prepay the debt amount earlier than its contractually agreed period or extension of term can be requested. As per the classification of Assets rules defined under as per Ind-As 109 – Financial Instruments which states that after the initial recognition of such financial Assets i.e. on Fair value, its subsequent classification would be based on Business Modal for managing such financial asset & contractual cash flow characteristic associated with these Financial Assets.

What Is Composition Scheme Under Goods And Services Tax Act

August 23, 2018 2802 Views 1 comment Print

Sec 10 of CGST Act 2017 explains the composition levy under Goods and Services Tax, according to which, a registered person, whose aggregate turnover in the preceding financial year did not exceed* may opt to pay, in lieu of the tax payable by him, an amount calculated at such rate as may be prescribed, but not exceeding,

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