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Archive: 14 August 2018

Posts in 14 August 2018

Tariff Notification No. 71/2018-Customs (N.T.) dated 14th August, 2018

August 14, 2018 1059 Views 0 comment Print

Tariff Notification No. 71/2018-CUSTOMS (N.T.) dated 14th August, 2018 in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver- Reg

5% GST payable on right to use minerals given by Govt under RCM

August 14, 2018 3048 Views 0 comment Print

The services for the right to use minerals including its exploration and evaluation, as per Sr. No. 257 of the annexure appended to notification no. 11/2017-CT (Rate), dated 28.06.2017 is included in group 99733 under heading 9973.

Clarification regarding bank guarantee requirement for bond executed by EOUs

August 14, 2018 10395 Views 0 comment Print

Various representations have been received regarding difficulties faced by EOUs with respect to requirements of bank guarantees in view of Circular no. 48/2017-Customs dated 08.12.2017 issued by CBIC. The matter has been examined.

Condonation of Delay Scheme, 2018- Decoded

August 14, 2018 7287 Views 0 comment Print

Looking at the humongous number of affected people, combined with the pressure from the Industry, the MCA opened a window for redressal in the form of CONDONATION OF DELAY SCHEME, 2018(CODS).

Section 29A of Insolvency and Bankcruptcy 2016: Harsh on Promoters?

August 14, 2018 3189 Views 1 comment Print

Section 29A of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 is a restrictive provision which impedes any person falling in the negative list from submission of a resolution plan.

Benefit of Exemption Notification- Reference Answered by Supreme Court

August 14, 2018 2979 Views 0 comment Print

What is the interpretative rule to be applied while interpreting a tax exemption reportable provision/notification when there is an ambiguity as to its applicability with reference to the entitlement of the assessee or the rate of tax to be applied?

Who are eligible for composition scheme?

August 14, 2018 26952 Views 1 comment Print

Under the GST law, Composition scheme is an expedient way to escape from various GST formalities and pay the tax at a low prescribed percentage based upon the turnover of the business. The composition scheme was introduced to bring straightforwardness and to minimize the compliance cost for the small taxpayers. Businesses with an aggregate turnover of up to 100 lakh in a preceding financial year shall be eligible for composition scheme.

Provisions of TDS And TCS Under GST Law

August 14, 2018 49998 Views 1 comment Print

Article explains Provisions of TDS And TCS Under GST Law which includes Threshold limit of  TDS deduction, Registration of GST TDS / TCS  deductors, Rate of TDS / TCS under GST, Payment of TDS / TCS under GST, TDS / TCS  Certificate under GST, TDS / TCS credit under GST, Delay in deposit of TDS […]

Unutilized Subsidy shown as Current Liabilities is Not An Income As Per Matching Concept

August 14, 2018 1317 Views 0 comment Print

Where an Assessee follows the Accrual/Mercantile system of Accounting – as in this case – income can be recognised only when the matching expenditure is also accounted for irrespective of the cash outflows/inflows during the year. It would thus, not be correct to recognize the subsidies received for incurring specific expenditure as income without accounting for the corresponding expenditure

What is special audit under GST framework?

August 14, 2018 15390 Views 2 comments Print

A Special Audit under GST can be initiated by the Assistant Commissioner of CGST/SGST, considering the nature and complexity involved in the case and interest of revenue. During any stage of scrutiny/ inquiry/investigation, if the assistant commissioner is of the opinion that the value of the taxable supplies declared by the registered person is incorrect or the input tax credit has been wrongly availed then special audit can be initiated.

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