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Archive: 17 June 2018

Posts in 17 June 2018

Stamping of Share Certificates (FAQ’s & List of Documents)

June 17, 2018 52383 Views 5 comments Print

Since payment of Stamp Duty is always a Confusion & an unclear picture occurs whenever it comes to payment of Stamp Duty to the Government on Share Certificates.This articles provides you the answer to all your doubts along with Legal Provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 & Indian Stamp Act 1899 . The write-up includes Cause of Stamping,Time limit of issuance of Share Certificates, Limitation period under which application for stamping of Share Certificates has to be filed , Penal Provisions or Documents required to be filed to the Revenue Department to get the Certificate of Stamping.

GST on Commission earned in India from Foreign Entities in Convertible Foreign Exchange

June 17, 2018 99963 Views 19 comments Print

The person earning the commission will falls under this definition. As per IGST Act, Sec. 13(8) – The place of supply of the following services shall be the location of the supplier of services, namely:–

Self Verification of GST before Statutory Audit

June 17, 2018 12780 Views 0 comment Print

How you verify GST before Statutory Audit? Verification of Outward Supplies (i.e. Payable side): 1. Check the Credit side of the Statement of Profit and Loss (SPL) in order to track the items which are chargeable to GST. Even, some amounts of credits have also been credited to Expenses account which is to be deeply […]

Updated E-Handbook on GST Amendments

June 17, 2018 3207 Views 0 comment Print

E-Handbook on GST Amendments has been specifically designed to provide an in-depth knowledge of various aspects/provisions under GST which has undergone changes impeccable for smooth implementation of GST vide Notification, Circulars, Orders.

Updated E-Handbook on Job work under GST

June 17, 2018 20127 Views 4 comments Print

ICAI has come up with the revised E-Handbook on Job-work under GST. This handbook is designed to provide an in depth knowledge about detailed and thorough study of the procedure, conditions and restriction for supplying goods to job worker, provisions relating to removal of inputs / semi-finished goods/capital goods by principal to a job worker

Technical Guide on Understanding Income Tax Return Forms For AY 2018-19

June 17, 2018 5784 Views 0 comment Print

The CBDT has recently notified the new ITR Forms applicable for AY 2018- 19 vide notification no. 16/2018, dated 03.04.2018. These ITR Forms contain significant changes which need due analysis. As you all are aware the ICAI has always been proactive in disseminating the knowledge and sharpening the skills of its members. In furtherance of […]

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