After introduction of CODS on new year what is to be done by companies and for who can opt for this scheme
GST on Employee benefits/ Recovery from employees The transactions between the employer and employee from GST point of view have been analysed in this article. Related Party The concept of ‘related parties’ is defined under the tax statutes to include certain categories of persons (legal entities and individuals) termed by law as ‘related parties’. As per […]
Whether this Interest charged by the supplier of goods liable to GST? At what Rate GST should be charged on Interest on delayed payment? When would the liability to pay GST arise? How should be this shown in GST returns?
It is proposed to reengineer the process of allotment of DIN by allotting DIN to individuals only at the time of their appointment as Directors (If they do NOT possess a DIN) in companies. DIR-3 (Application for Director Identification Number) would be applicable for the allotment of DIN to individuals in respect of existing companies […]