What makes people react so spontaneously to whatever that this one and the only man does? No political leader worth the name in the entire nation draws so much attention than the controversial and mercurial personality called Narendra Modi.
Before Passing An Order Under Section 263 Principal Commissioner Or Commissioner Of Income Tax Has To Make His/Her Own Enquiry
elevant Provisions: Section 4, 12, 13 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with rule 30 of Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 and amendments thereto. If a Company wants to shift its registered office from one state to another state; a special resolution in general meeting is required to be passed.
It has already been 2 and half months since GST is implemented. It has brought a panic among small retailers during its early implementation that no supplier will provide them goods if they are not registered under GST. So the small retailers who make their livelihoods by depending on their small shops also took GST registration even though their turnover was less than 20 lakhs.
(a) Whether the company is maintaining proper records showing full particulars including quantitative details and situation of fixed assets. (b) Whether these fixed assets have been physically verified by management at reasonable intervals; whether any material discrepancies were noticed on such verification and if so, whether the same have been properly dealt with in the books of account.
Bitcoin, the word which almost all of us have heard somewhere but still most of us are not exactly aware about this fancy term, its uses, how to buy it, how it works and its benefits etc. Being a finance professionals specifically and also for other persons it becomes quite imperative and interesting to know everything about this newly used term. Here through this article i am trying to make you aware about the all related aspects of the Bitcoin.
In line with the perennial Shakespearian dilemma – to do or not to do, …., a lot of us face similar predicament when we have to decide whether to buy or not to buy another residential property.
Transfer Pricing Regulations is an internationally accepted method to check that multinational enterprises entering into transactions with associated enterprises do not evade taxes by undervaluing the transaction. The purpose and ambit of Transfer Pricing Regulations is to ensure that international transactions between associated enterprises are computed having regard to the arm’s length price.
We all come across situations wherein our personal finances go beyond control. Despite trying hard to maintain it every month, we fail. This happens as we do not keep important personal finance documents at one place and update them on a regular basis. Due to this, our entire expenses of house get mixed up and we land up in trouble.
Government has Constituted 11 Benches of NCLT, out of which 2 will be the Principal Bench, which shall be Preside at New Delhi.And the regional bench territory authority is in Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai.