Income tax was first introduced on 24th July, 1860 by the British to compensate for the losses suffered by them during our first war of independence in 1857, post-independence
Under the GST regime, there will be a standardized form for making any claim for refunds. The claim and sanctioning procedure will be completely online and time bound, which is a marked departure from the existing time consuming and cumbersome procedure.
As you are aware, in the e-court software the allotment of 7A & 14B cases among assessing authorities is automatic so as to ensure that the workload is spread uniformly and cases are allotted randomly.
The last date for submission of Online MEF Form for the year 2017-18 is 15th August, 2017 and for submission of hard copy of “DECLARATION FOR MEF 2017-18” is 22nd August, 2017.
As per Rule 160, Chapter-6 of GFRs, 2017, it is mandatory for Ministries/Departments to receive all bids through e-procurement portals in respect of all procurements. For enabling procurements required for day-to-day running of offices,CBEC has been using the e-procurement solution developed by NIC.
Fellow citizens—kindly spare few minutes to go the following cryptic note; if convinced promote this idea as you deem fit so that government comes out with tax reform on the lines suggested.
(we have attempted the following as seed for thought – every citizen is requested to improve upon it and take it forward with the appropriate authorities so that it becomes a reality – Thank.
All applicants desirous of seeking registration as REITs or InvITs are now required to submit their applications online only, through SEBI Intermediary Portal at Furthermore, all SEBI registered REITs and InvITs are now required to file/ submit/ apply for any request, as may be required under the provision of aforesaid Regulations & Circulars issued there under, through the online system only. The aforesaid online filing system has been made operational.
As you are aware, the Reserve Bank of India has, from time to time, issued a number of guidelines / instructions / circulars / directives to banks in the matters relating to lending to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Sector. The Master Direction enclosed incorporates the updated guidelines / instructions / circulars on the subject. The list of circulars consolidated in this Master Direction is indicated in the Appendix. The Direction will be updated from time to time as and when fresh instructions are issued. This Master Direction has been placed on the RBI website at
If a PPF account that has already completed 15 years and has subsequently been extended under the provision of para 9(3A) of the PPF Scheme is closed prematurely before the completion of the current 5 year block period, the reduction in interest rate by 1 percentage point shall be applicable from the date of the commencement of the current 5 year block period and not from the date of initial opening of the account.