A few cases have been brought to our notice where registration or enrollment was done by a Tax Practitioner. It was found that the data of one taxpayer is getting displayed in that of another taxpayer handled by the same Practitioner.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the above mentioned subject and to state that in exercise of the powers conferred by rule 33(1) of the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011, the Central Government hereby permits the manufacturers or packers or importers of pre-packaged commodities to declare the changed retail sale price (MRP)
Some questions are raised about GST rates fixed for specific devices for physically challenged persons. This matter is explained here in below. Assistive devices and rehabilitation aids for physically challenged persons, listed below, have been kept at the concessional 5% GST rate: 1) Braille writers and braille writing instruments; 2) Handwriting equipment like Braille Frames, […]
Order No. 113 of 2017 The following postings / transfers in the grade of Commissioner of Income Tax are, hereby, ordered with immediate effect and until further orders:-
New Delhi, 1 July, 2017: With retail prices growing by the slowest pace in the last four years by mere 2.18 per cent, it is the perfect time for the launch of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), from inflation point of view, as this particular macro fundamental is placed at an ideal position for the roll out of the country’s most ambitious tax reform, the ASSOCHAM has said.
The annual membership fee and certificate of practice fee for the year 2017-2018 has become due for payment w.e.f. 1st April, 2017. The last date for the payment of fee was 30th June, 2017 which has now been extended upto 31st August, 2017.
RBI in its Fourth Bi-monthly Policy Statement for the year 2015-16, dated September 29, 2015 had announced a Medium Term Framework (MTF) for FPI limits in Government securities in consultation with the Government of India.
With the roll out of GST from 1st July, 2017, a new era in Indirect Tax Administration has been ushered in. The next important step is to handhold the taxpayers and other stakeholders into this new regime. In this regard, the role of the field formations of CBEC is crucial in facilitating taxpayers.
To put restriction on the cash transactions & promote digital economy, a new section 269ST has been inserted in the Income-tax Act, 1961 vide Finance Act, 2017. * Section 269ST – In Brief: The said section, prohibits receipt of an amount of ` 2 lakh or more by a person, Circumstances — In aggregate from […]
In the Income-tax Rules, 1962 (hereafter referred to as the Principal rules), in rule 29B, in sub-rule (1), clause (i), for the words interest on securities the words and brackets and figures interest on securities (other than interest payable on securities referred to in proviso to section 193) shall be substituted.