DRI seizes 85.58 lakhs Cigarette sticks of foreign origin (Indonesian) with a market value of about Rs. 10 crore at ICD Tughlaqabad
Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) policies are considered as lapsed when the premium due under policy is not paid within the grace period prescribed.
Income-tax in general is levied on various companies, including Air Services Companies (although no such terms finds place under the Income-tax Act, 1961) as per the provision of the Act
Diplomatic Missions have written to convey their appreciation for the Government’s recent effort to make our economy more transparent and as a move that will also have a positive impact on FDI.
A Nidhi company shall be a public company and shall have a minimum paid up equity share capital of five lakh rupees
India and Switzerland signed the ‘Joint Declaration for implementation of Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) on the 22nd November, 2016.
Please refer to SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD2/CIR/2016/95 dated September 26, 2016 regarding the captioned subject.
Study of time taken by various stakeholders in import clearance procedure has revealed that delay on part of importers in filing the Bills of Entry is one of major factors in overall delay in clearances of imported consignments.
Whether the Government has issued any instructions to Public Sector Banks (PSBs) to provide ATM transaction slips in regional languages
Government of India in its efforts to improve the business climate of the country and also improve country’s ranking in the World Bank’s report on Ease of Doing Business;