Please find enclosed herewith a copy of order dated 11-03-2016 delivery by Honble High Court of Kerala in WP(c) No. 7905/2011 filed by Builders Association of India, Madurai Centre V/S Union of India, CPFC & RPFC, Madurai.
The word Sevottam is a combination of two Hindi words: Seva (Service) and Uttam (Excellent). It means Service Excellence, emphasizing the idea of Service. It symbolizes the change in mindset within the Government, from administration and control to service and enablement.
FCA Dinesh Kumar Section 35 of GST Act and GST Draft Payment Rules deal with payment of Tax under GST, the below check list will help you to understand the payment methodology and procedure to pay Tax under GST. The procedure to pay Tax under GST is quite different from payment of tax under existing […]
FCA Dinesh Kumar Section 42 and 43 of Model GST Law deal with maintenance and keeping of accounts and records, these are important section to know that what now Govt. wants from a business man with respect to book keeping. This article will help you to clear your question w.r.t Accounts and Records under Model […]
In this e-book, various forms specified for filing appeals by the party or the Department or filing memorandum of Cross objections before Tribunal under the relevant sections of Customs Act, 1962, Central Excise Act, 1944 and the Finance Act, 1994 have been given.