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Archive: 15 September 2016

Posts in 15 September 2016

Assaulting wife and creating nuisance at her work place in a state of intoxicatin would amount to ‘cruelty’ for obtaining decree of divorce

September 15, 2016 1710 Views 0 comment Print

This appeal under Section 19 (1) of the Family Courts Act, 1984 has been preferred by the appellant (for brevity ‘the husband’) to assail the legality and validity of the impugned judgement dated 28.04.2016 passed by the Family Court, Bilaspur, in Civil Suit No. 208-A/2013, whereby his marriage with the respondent (for brevity ‘the wife’) has been annulled by issuing a decree of divorce on the ground of cruelty.

Exchange Rate value of INR against USD dollar – 1945-1971

September 15, 2016 9234 Views 0 comment Print

Que – Please provide the details of Exchange Rate value of INR against USD dollar from the year 1947 till date. Ans – Information regarding USD-INR rates for the period 1945-46 – 1970-71 is available at the following link: Exchange Rate – 1945-1971 2. Information regarding USD-INR rate for the period 1970-71 to 2013-14 is available on: http://dbie.rbi.org.in/DBIE/dbie.rbi?site=publications-> […]

Committee for conducting ‘National Corporate Social Responsibility Award’

September 15, 2016 772 Views 0 comment Print

A Steering Committee with the following composition is hereby constituted to oversee the whole process of the execution of ‘National Corporate Social Responsibility Award’:

ICAI creates Support-desk for implementation of Ind AS

September 15, 2016 2101 Views 0 comment Print

A number of issues are constantly being faced by the SMPs and companies in the implementation of Ind AS. In view of this, it has been decided to launch a Support-desk for implementation of Ind AS, so as to address the difficulties faced by the members and stakeholders as early as possible.

President constitutes Goods and Services Tax Council

September 15, 2016 5986 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by article 279A of the Constitution, the President hereby constitutes the Goods and Services Tax Council consisting of the following members, namely:-

Documentary requirement for securities held in physical mode

September 15, 2016 2077 Views 0 comment Print

1. For securities held in single name with a nominee:i. Duly signed transmission request form by the nominee.ii. Original or Copy of death certificate duly attested by a Notary Public or by a Gazetted Officer.iii. Self attested copy of PAN card of the nominee. (Copy of PAN card may be substituted with ID proof in case of residents of Sikkim after collecting address proof)

No more extension to banks for Issue of EMV Chip and PIN Cards

September 15, 2016 2311 Views 0 comment Print

Security and Risk Mitigation Measures for Card Present and Electronic Payment Transactions- Despite the extension of time given to banks in this regard, some banks have approached us seeking further extension of the time line for complying with the above instructions.

Addition for mere appearing of TDS credit in form 26AS not justified

September 15, 2016 11284 Views 0 comment Print

AO is also equally responsible to find out whether the credit entry found on 01.07.2010 is genuine or not. The AO cannot take advantage of the ignorance or handicap of the assessee and say that there was undisclosed receipt by the assessee.

IDS 2016: Notice issued on or before 31.05.2016 but assessment completed- Eligibility?

September 15, 2016 8050 Views 0 comment Print

It is clarified that a declaration under the Scheme can be filed in respect of the assessment year for which notice under section 142(1)/143(2)/148/153A/153C has been served on or before 31.05.2016 but the proceedings have been completed and the period of filing declaration under the Scheme has not expired.

One Person Company under Companies Act, 2013: Brief Insight

September 15, 2016 5938 Views 2 comments Print

Article Discusses Meaning of One Person Company (OPC), Benefits of OPC over sole proprietorship, Maximum Time Taken to incorporate OPC, Documents Required to incorporate OPC, Minimum Person Required to form an OPC, Restriction for running the OPC and Steps involved in OPC Formation in brief.

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