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Archive: 24 June 2016

Posts in 24 June 2016

Increase in AIR of Duty Drawback on gold/silver jewellery/articles

June 24, 2016 994 Views 0 comment Print

The Government has amended the AIR Drawback Notification no. 110/2015-Cus (N.T.) dated 16.11.2015 vide Notification No. 90/2016-Customs (N.T.) dated 24.06.2016 which may be downloaded and perused from www.cbec.gov.in.

Amendment in AIR of Duty Drawback on gold/silver jewellery/articles

June 24, 2016 769 Views 0 comment Print

F. No. 609/35/2016-DBK GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE (DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE) NEW DELHI Notification No. 90/2016-Customs (N.T.), Dated: June 24, 2016 In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 75 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), sub-section (2) of section 37 of the Central Excise Act, 1944 (1 of […]

Customs Exchange Rate of Japanese Yen wef 25.06.2016

June 24, 2016 931 Views 0 comment Print

Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby makes the following further amendments in the Notification of the Central Board of Excise and Customs No.87/2016-CUSTOMS (N.T.), dated 16th June, 2016, with effect from 25th June, 2016, namely:-

Reg. Fresh panel of Senior/Junior Counsels for CBEC cases

June 24, 2016 2452 Views 0 comment Print

Constitution of a fresh panel of Senior/Junior Standing Counsels against existing slots for handling CBEC cases of Indirect taxation before the various High Courts and other fora – Calling for fresh recommendations – Regarding.

FA 2016-Amendments Relating to Filing of Return of Income

June 24, 2016 37984 Views 2 comments Print

The articles explains the provisions related to filing of Income Tax Return for Financial Year 2015-16 , Carry forward of loss from business specified u/s 35AD (i.e. businesses in respect of which certain capital expenditure are deductible), Provisions related to filing of Belated Return and Changes in Provisions related to Filing of Revised Return.

CAG Formulates Big Data Management Policy to Meet Challenges

June 24, 2016 913 Views 0 comment Print

The CAG said that our Governments have taken several initiatives to address the challenges faced by our countries and the people by automating service delivery, choosing partners in development through Public Private Partnership arrangements, opening up economy for foreign direct investments and by focusing on sustainable development.

NPS to observe Service Fortnight from June 27 to July 9, 2016

June 24, 2016 829 Views 0 comment Print

National Pension System (NPS) to observe Service Fortnight from June 27 to July 9, 2016; Fortnight long campaign aims at awareness creation, service orientation and information dissemination along with subscribers registration.

MF Systematic Withdrawal Plan: An under estimated Investment Strategy

June 24, 2016 3820 Views 0 comment Print

We can add drops of water to fill up a bucket, the drops may be big or small but nonetheless it will fill the bucket. In a reverse sequence we can draw out portions from the bucket when required and satisfy our needs. The world of mutual fund investing is no different. The Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) and the Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) are somewhat analogous in nature to the example of water stated above. While SIP is a common and popular form of systematic investment in parts, the concept of SWP, the reverse of SIP, may not be known to everyone.

Service Tax on Real Estate / Construction Services

June 24, 2016 41149 Views 5 comments Print

Decision given by Delhi High Court is for a period prior to July 2012. From July 2012 with introduction of Negative List, all the services other than those specified in the negative list and those exempt from service tax, shall be liable for service tax.

TCS on Sale of good/Services only if Cash Receipt exceeds 2 Lakh

June 24, 2016 27313 Views 0 comment Print

Question 1: Whether tax collection at source under section 206C(1D) at the rate of 1% will apply in cases where the sale consideration received is partly in cash and partly in cheque and the cash receipt is less than two lakh rupees. Answer: No. Tax collection at source will not be levied if the cash receipt does not exceed two lakh rupees even if the sale consideration exceeds two lakh rupees.

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