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Archive: 30 April 2016

Posts in 30 April 2016

Whether ‘Google Adsense’ Liable to be Taxed under Service Tax?

April 30, 2016 14536 Views 4 comments Print

Prior to 2014, Digital Ads were specifically exempted from the levy of service tax in India and were specifically mentioned in the Negative List of Services. However, this exemption has now been withdrawn and Digital Ads are no longer part of the Negative List of Services. As this exemption has now been withdrawn, Service Tax on digital ads in India on Website and Mobiles would be liable to service tax @ 14.50%.

Checklist on Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2016

April 30, 2016 53485 Views 2 comments Print

CA Rahul Modi Applicability :- Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2016 is Applicable to all companies except the following type of Companies :- 1. Banking companies 2. Insurance Companies 3. Section 8 Companies 4. One person Companies It also exempts private companies (not being subsidiary or holding company of a public company ) upon fulfillment of […]

Hey Examinee! “Do thy duty, Result is not thy concern!!”

April 30, 2016 3763 Views 1 comment Print

What happened, if your exams on head? What has been prepared, peacefully go with that. Reach to exam center, with full enthusiasm & zeal. Nothing will debar you, to take/handle & settle big deal.

Appeal to Commissioner (Appeal) under Service Tax

April 30, 2016 290857 Views 13 comments Print

major source of revenue to the government. Service tax being complicated on many issues and interpretation often lead to litigation. Government has also expanded the service tax department considerably to stop and find out tax evasion.

Goods and Services Tax: Indian Story So Far

April 30, 2016 4150 Views 0 comment Print

Goods and Services Tax (GST) refers to the single unified tax created by amalgamating a large number of Central and State taxes presently applicable in India. The latest constitution Amendment Bill of December 2014 made in this regard, proposes to insert a definition of GST in Article 366 of the constitution by inserting a sub-clause 12A.

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