Introduction: MCA has issued notification dated 16th, February, 2015 in respect of phase-wise roadmap for adoption and applicability of Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 other than Banking Companies, Insurance Companies and NBFCs. Further MCA has issued a press release dated 18th, January, 2016 in which Banking Companies, Insurance Companies and NBFCs are also included. […]
Import of Goods: Import Data Processing and Monitoring System (IDPMS)-To track the import transactions through banking system, Customs will modify the Bill of Entry format to display the AD Code of bank concerned, as reported by the importers. Primary data on import transactions from Customs and SEZ will first flow to the RBI secured server and thereupon depending on the AD code shall be shared with the respective banks for taking the transactions forward.
To further streamline the remittance arrangement under the Speed Remittance Procedure and make remittances cost-effective, it has now been decided to do away with the mandated requirement of maintenance of collateral or cash deposits by the Exchange Houses with whom the banks have entered into the Rupee Drawing Arrangement.
In case the remittance is made in more than one instalment, the remittance of all instalments should be made through the same AD. Further, where the remittance is to be made from the balances held in the NRO account, the Authorised Dealer should obtain an undertaking from the account holder stating that the said remittance is sought to be made out of the remitter’s balances held in the account arising from his/ her legitimate receivables in India and not by borrowing from any other person or a transfer from any other NRO account and if such is found to be the case, the account holder will render himself/ herself liable for penal action under FEMA.
I, S.S.Yadav, Commissioner, Value Added Tax, Government of NCT of Delhi, do hereby direct that the returns in Form CR-II for the financial year 2015-16 are required to be filed by 16th May, 2016.
In this article Author has Provided three Income Tax Calculator in Excel Format for Calculation of Tax by Individuals below the Age of 60 Years, 60 or above but less than 80 Years and for 80 and above Years. Calculator calculate Interest U/s. 234ABC Automatically and provides option to include 1.Income from Salary / Pension 2.Income (Profits) from Business / Profession (Only input option). 3.Income / Loss from House Property and 4.Income from Other Sources.
Section 6A of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 provides that in case the goods are transferred by a dealer from the state of Rajasthan to his another place of business outside the state of Rajasthan or to his principal or his agent outside the state of Rajasthan then he is not required to pay tax on transfer of such goods outside the territory of Rajasthan.
Recent major initiatives of the Government in this regard include Enactment of a comprehensive new law – The Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015 which has come into force w.e.f. 01.07.2015 to specifically and more effectively deal with the issue of black money stashed away abroad,
It should not be assumed that everyone who appears in the Panama Papers is involved in tax avoidance or evasion and there are legitimate reasons to create a company in an offshore jurisdiction and many people declare them to their tax authorities when that is required.
Recently, information about certain offshore entities held by various Indian persons has appeared in media. Such information is attributed to be part of ‘Panama Papers’ leaks.