Arjuna, as per new ITR-1 from, salaried persons have to give details of all assets & liabilities in case of income exceeding Rs. 50 lacs. These details consist of information regarding Land, Building, Cash, Jewellery & Vehicle and Liabilities in relation to these assets. This is a very important change made in ITR-1. These details are also required to be provided in ITR 2, 2A and 3.
In a Record and following Punjab High Court Direction in the case of Vishal Garg & Ors. Vs. Union of India & Anr. CBDT has first released ITR for A.Y. 2016-17 on 30/03/2016 vide Notification No. 24/2016 and now it further releases Online e-filing utility for the following ITR Forms :- Link to Download all […]
It is been held that in case of motor vehicles the registration and sale is a co-terminus activity. Thus, the place of registration is deemed as place at which sale gets concluded. Accordingly, the sales tax has to be paid as per the law in force in the state/Union Territory at which sales so concludes.
Under Excise & Customs, all changes in rates of duty take effect from the midnight of 29th February / 1st March, 2016. Some of the important changes are: Excise duty @ 1% without Cenvat credit on Inputs and Capital Goods (Cenvat credit available on Input Services)/ 12.5% with Cenvat credit on article of jewellery;
Vide Notification No. 8/2016-ST dated 1st March, 2016 the percentage of abatement with regard to the value for calculation of amount of service tax on all type of construction of a complex, building, civil structure etc. have been fixed @ 70% wef 1st April, 2016.