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Archive: 14 February 2016

Posts in 14 February 2016

Union Budget 2016: Great Expectations

February 14, 2016 1836 Views 3 comments Print

Come February and comes in the mind of every tax professional and every Indian citizen the ‘great expectations’ from the Annual Union Budget. But the question is whether these expectations would see the light of the day or would submerge in the darkness of gloom (or would become an NPE……a non performing expectation!)

Procedure for Suo Moto Closure of LLP

February 14, 2016 57129 Views 10 comments Print

In case the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) wants to close down its business or where it is not carrying on any business operations for the period of one year or more, , it can make an application to the Registrar of Companies for declaring the company as defunct and removing the name of the LLP from […]

Fraud Reporting Under Companies Act, 2013

February 14, 2016 32333 Views 3 comments Print

[1]Financial fraud is a phenomenon that haunts everyone alike. Not only does it mean loss of an asset for the one who has been at the receiving end of a fraud, it has the capability of shaking the roots of “confidence” and “trust” that anchor a society and/or an economy. Governments and other policy makers […]

Procedure : Appointment of Managerial Personnel under CA, 2013

February 14, 2016 65047 Views 1 comment Print

As per Law, there is no compulsion for Private Company to appoint MD, WTD and Manager. As per Act Private Company can continue working without MD, WTD and manager throughout the life of company. But if Private company appoints any Managerial Personnel willingly. Then company requires to follow Section: 196 of Companies Act, 2013.

Suggestion for betterment of ICAI and its Members

February 14, 2016 5753 Views 5 comments Print

1. State wise number of CCM and RCM may be fixed. They will be eligible for votes and responsible for respective States. In this way at the time of election, huge travelling time and money can be saved. Of course these state wise candidates will be from their region’s number of CCM and RCM. Because current CCM and RCM travel across the region and new candidates have to travel the entire region to come in the race.

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