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Archive: 18 December 2015

Posts in 18 December 2015

Uploading of Interim Orders on website of Company Law Board from 01.01.2016

December 18, 2015 1027 Views 0 comment Print

The Company Law Board is already uploading the final orders passed by the Hon’ble Benches and daily/monthly cause list of all the Benches on its website namely www.clb.gov.in . In this process, to make the Company Law Board further paper Less, to bring transparency in the working of CLB and to facilitate the stakeholders, it has been decided to upload the certified copies of the Interim Orders passed by the Principal Bench & New Delhi Bench on the Company Law Board web site namely www.clb.gov.in w.e.f. 1st January, 2016.

Delhi Value Added Tax (Amendment) Rules, 2015

December 18, 2015 1906 Views 0 comment Print

No. F.3(25)/Fin(Rev-I)/2015-2016/dsvi/954 Provided that in case of following goods, the tax credit shall be reduced by 100 percents: (i) Un-manufactured tobacco, tobacco and tobacco products in all forms such as cigarettes (irrespective of form and length), chewing tobacco, gutkha, cigars, hooka tobacco, khaini, zarda, surti, bidis etc.;

Withdraw cases before HC/CESTAT covered by SC decision: CBEC

December 18, 2015 3104 Views 0 comment Print

F. No. 390/Misc./67/2014-JC The matter relating to the large number of appeals pending/ filed in the CESTAT/ High Court has been a matter of concern in this regard it has been decided to withdraw cases pending in High Court/ CESTAT, where Supreme Court has decided on an identical matter and the decision has been accepted by the Department.

Central Excise payment Date Extended in UT of Puducherry

December 18, 2015 529 Views 0 comment Print

Date for payment of Central Excise duty for November 2015 in the Union Territory of Puducherry (except Mahe & Yanam) extended to 20th December 2015 vide Notification No. 26/2015-Central Excise (N.T.) dated the 18th December, 2015.

Central Excise Return Filing Due Date Extended in UT of Puducherry

December 18, 2015 889 Views 0 comment Print

Order No. 02/2015-Central Excise – CBEC extends the date of submission of, Form ER-1, ER-2, ER-6 for the clearances in the month of November, 2015 from 10th of December, 2015 to 31st of December, 2015 and Form ER-4(Annual Financial Information Statement) from 30th of November, 2015 to 31st of December, 2015, for the assessees in the Union Territory of Puducherry (except Yanam and Mahe) due to natural calamity of rains and flood.

Service Tax Payment date finally extended for UT of Puducherry

December 18, 2015 1334 Views 0 comment Print

Date for payment of Service Tax for November 2015 in the Union Territory of Puducherry (except Mahe & Yanam) extended to 20th December 2015 vide Notification No. Notification No. 27/2015-Service Tax, dated-18.12.2015.

List of all penalties under Companies Act, 2013

December 18, 2015 109356 Views 19 comments Print

The law poses various obligations to be discharged by the Companies , Directors, Managers and other Officials. Non-compliance of such obligations attracts punishment which may be imprisonment and/ or fine/ penalty. The new Companies Act, 2013 has come up with more stringent punishment and penalties for the non- compliance of various provisions of and rules under the Act as compared to the former Companies Act, 1956.

Compliances to be done by Companies as per Secretarial Standard 1

December 18, 2015 9056 Views 0 comment Print

SECRETARIAL STANDARD -1 [Meetings of Board of Directors]:- This Secretarial Standard is applicable on all the Companies except One Person Company. Besides, meeting of the Board of Directors, the standard is also applicable on meeting of the Committee(s) of the Board unless otherwise stated by any other applicable guidelines, rules and regulations.

CBEC direct Custom officers to follow instructions scrupulously given in Audit Manual 2015

December 18, 2015 315 Views 0 comment Print

F.No.307/32/2015-SO(PAC-Cus.) The assesing officers involved in the assessmsnt of B/E and Shipping Bills should follow the instructions issued by the Ministry and DG(System) from time to time. The jurisctional Commissioner should examine the audit objection at the time of submitting the comments/Action Taken Note to the Ministry carefully in light of lapses on the part of the officers noticed by the C&AG Audit.

Measure taken by govt to enhance revenue collection and Ease Tax Compliance

December 18, 2015 1426 Views 0 comment Print

A number of legislative measures were introduced through the Finance (No.2) Act, 2014 and similarly, Finance Act, 2015 to promote growth, investment, manufacturing and job creation. These are expected to improve ease of doing business, bring about clarity in tax laws, and resolve disputes.

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