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Archive: 27 September 2015

Posts in 27 September 2015

Hard coding of transactions under Delhi VAT -An initiative to mitigate unnecessary litigation

September 27, 2015 1163 Views 0 comment Print

CA Vinod Kaushik Introduction: Almost all the dealers registered under Delhi VAT must have faced heat from their buyer due to mismatch in the sales shown by seller and purchased booked by buyer. This concept is commonly called as mismatch in form 2A and 2B which is creating trouble for the buyers and department in […]

Do You Know The Price of Our Development?

September 27, 2015 739 Views 0 comment Print

Development and greediness of humanity have telling effects on the present and future generations. Encroachment on the forests and agricultural lands for putting up high-rise concrete jungles, commercialization and politicization of the resources, selfishness replacing the morality, etc., are the common causes for the ecological imbalance and climatic changes.

Export Promotion Capital Goods Scheme (EPCG) under FTP 2015-2020

September 27, 2015 6540 Views 0 comment Print

The objective of the EPCG Scheme is to facilitate import of capital goods for producing quality goods and services to enhance India’s export competitiveness. EPCG scheme allows the import of capital goods for pre-production, production and post -production at Zero custom duty.

Exhilarating Experience @ IIM Ahmedabad

September 27, 2015 1343 Views 0 comment Print

While wondering whether the course would meet the objectives and feeling little jittery since I was attending a course after a long time, the cab entered the IIM Ahmedabad campus. The campus has an old wing and a new wing.

Taxability of Licence to use Trademarks / Franchise

September 27, 2015 15954 Views 1 comment Print

It is well settled that Goods that are subject matter of tax under Entry 54 of the State List can be Tangible goods or even Intangible goods like Trademarks, Patents, Copyrights, Software (Canned /Off-the-shelf software), Technical Knowhow, etc. VAT is payable on their sale or even if there is a transfer of right to use goods falling in Article 366(29A)(d) of the Constitution which deems such transactions as Sales.

ICAI presidents ask members to put extra efforts to meet ITR/TAR deadline

September 27, 2015 2315 Views 0 comment Print

On account of extraneous factors a number of our members are finding challenges in filing returns of income and the tax audit reports in time. I would request you to put in little extra effort to meet the present due date which is quite near. I am sure you would be able to meet the deadline.

India Finland DTA- Technical services if technical knowledge skill, know how or design been made available

September 27, 2015 2783 Views 0 comment Print

ITAT Delhi has held in the case of ITO, TDS vs. Nokia India Pvt. Ltd that services rendered does not qualify as FTS for technical services under the India Finland Tax Treaty if service provider has not made available to assessee any technical knowledge skill

Assessee & Revenue have right to File cross objection before ITAT

September 27, 2015 5747 Views 0 comment Print

The Delhi High Court Has Held In the case of Fast Booking (I) Pvt. Ltd. Vs Dy. Commissioner Of Income Tax that both the assessee as well as the department have a right to file an appeal/cross-objections before the Tribunal.

Specific Concealment of Income has to be established for levy of Penalty

September 27, 2015 1069 Views 0 comment Print

In the case of Ms. Chaurasia & Sons. Vs. I.T.O the Hon’ble Kolkata ITAT held that mere confirmation of addition will not lead to conclusion that penalty is leviable, unless it is established that assessee has concealed its income.

Receiving & Disposing of Applications by PIOs under RTI Act, 2005

September 27, 2015 27999 Views 7 comments Print

The Applicants’ seeking information under Section 6(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005, could make their request in writing in a language of English, Hindi or in the regional official language of the area, and could submit their “Applications’ to the Public Information Officer (PIO) appointed at an office, where you think or assume or believe that the information required would be available. Even, the Applicants’ have the option of submitting their application either online or offline.

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