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Archive: 11 June 2015

Posts in 11 June 2015

A Bird Eye on Credit Rating

June 11, 2015 889 Views 0 comment Print

Credit Rating is the evaluation of the credit worthiness of an instrument of a company based on perceived overall risk of a company’s business and financial profile as well as structural consideration. Credit rating establishes a link between risk and return. An investor or any other interested person uses the rating to assess the risk level and compares the offered rate of return with his expected rate of return.

Plethora of exemptions to government companies!!!!

June 11, 2015 2418 Views 0 comment Print

Ever since the draft notifications were placed before the Parliament, companies have been eagerly waiting for the approval and promulgation of the same. Finally the exemption notifications saw the light of day with MCA releasing 4 exemption notifications in bulk on June 05, 2015. Among the four notifications, one notification pertains to Government Companies (‘Govt. […]

Trading by Insiders – approach under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations of 2015

June 11, 2015 1610 Views 0 comment Print

 1. Introduction Stock market is all about dealing in securities. It is a specialized market. Stock markets are formed under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act,1956 and the operations are regulated by the Securities Contracts (Regulation Rules,1957. SEBI formed as per the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 is the regulator of the market. […]

Section 188 – Related Party Transactions

June 11, 2015 3154 Views 0 comment Print

Manshi Baid The definition of Related Party is given in Clause (76) of section 2 of Companies Act 2013 . This section provides that a related party for a company are :- 1.      A director or his relative 2.      A key managerial personnel or his relative 3.      A firm in which director , manager or […]

Holidays to be observed in Central Government Offices during the year 2016

June 11, 2015 2988 Views 0 comment Print

It has been decided that the holidays as specified in the Annexure -I to this O.M. will be observed in all the Administrative Offices of the Central Government located at Delhi/New Delhi during the year 2016. In addition, each employee will also be allowed to avail

Supply of a ‘service’ by units located in DTA to SEZ units – ineligible for rewards under SEIS

June 11, 2015 1462 Views 0 comment Print

Therefore it is clarified that regardless of the amendment notified vide Notification No. 08/2015-2020 dated 04.06.2015 (through which export turnover relating to services of units operating under SEZ Scheme or supplies of services made to such units has been deleted from the list of ineligible categories under SEIS thereby making supply of a ‘service’ from SEZ to other countries eligible for SEIS benefits), supply of a ‘service’ by units located in DTA to SEZ units was and shall continue to remain ineligible for rewards under SEIS as explained in para 3 above.

Analysis of Service tax applicability on Chit Fund

June 11, 2015 50423 Views 14 comments Print

Amendment made by Finance Bill, 2015 by way of insertion of explanation to Sec 65B(44) , it is clear that the Govt. intends to collect the service tax on foreman commission . However, it is well settled position of the law that the any explanation bringing the new activity into tax net would not be having a retrospective effect unless the explanation being inserted retrospectively, which is not so in this case. Thus, the tax chargeable on chit fund service will be prospective i.e from the date of enactment of Finance Act, 2015.

Estimating Sacrifice Ratio for Indian Economy – A Time Varying Perspective

June 11, 2015 747 Views 0 comment Print

This paper estimates sacrifice ratios for the post liberalization period for India. Around the late 1970’s, tight monetary policy created a disinflationary situation resulting in recession for many advanced economies. This highlighted the cost of reducing trend inflation in the interim period. In this context, the concept of ‘Sacrifice Ratio’ was introduced as the loss of output sustained by the economy to achieve reduction in the long-run inflation by one percentage point.

RBI notifies additional documents for limited purpose of ‘proof of address’

June 11, 2015 766 Views 0 comment Print

or the limited purpose of proof of address the following additional documents are deemed to be OVDs under ‘simplified measures’. Utility bill which is not more than two months old of any service provider (electricity, telephone, postpaid mobile phone, piped gas, water bill); Property or Municipal Tax receipt; Bank account or Post Office savings bank account statement;

Subscription to chit funds by Non-Resident Indian on non-repatriation basis

June 11, 2015 477 Views 0 comment Print

The extant guidelines for subscription to the chit funds have been reviewed in consultation with the Government of India and accordingly, it has been decided to permit Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) to subscribe to the chit funds, without limit, on non-repatriation basis subject to the following conditions:

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