West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) is covered by the exception Rule 6DD(b) of the IT Rules and as such no dis allowance under section 40A(3) of the Act can be made. Therefore, the grounds raised by the assessee are allowed.
Under section 462 of CA, 2013 on 05/06/2015 MCA has issued exemption notification for Private Companies other than subsidiary of public companies under Companies Act, 2013 Companies Act, 2013 has brought massive changes for private companies as barring a very few, all the exemptions which were available to private companies under the Companies Act, 1956 […]
Ministry of Corporate Affairs has issued Notification dated June 5, 2015 by which it has provided various much awaited Exemptions to Private Companies other than the subsidiary of a public company a summary of such exemptions is as follows :-