It is noticed that Customs Brokers, Steamer Agents, Exporters are approaching the Officers for amendment of Vessel Name/Rotation No. on the Shipping Bills. This is not required since the Vessel Name/Rotation No. gets automatically picked up from the Export General Manifests and amendments take place.
Notification No. 25/2015 – Income Tax Agreement signed between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic on the 27th January 1986 for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income continues to be applicable to the residents of the Slovak Republic.
Following the judgment in the case of Gajapathi Naidu (supra) the question to be asked is when did the expenditure claimed by way of deduction arise? There would have been no occasion to claim the deduction if the work-in-progress had completed its course.
1. Local Body Tax- Local Body tax is proposed to be abolished from 1st August, 2015 and the loss of revenue due to the abolishment shall be compensated by enhancing the rate of Value Added Tax. 2. Entry Tax- Entry Tax at 5% is proposed to be levied on import of Long Steel.
I start my mornings usually by going up to my house terrace and get a breath of fresh air. It feels really nice when cool breeze hits your face and makes you feel highly refreshed and relaxed. And this, followed by the sunrise is a spectacular view to watch.
The Petitioner, M/s Idea Cellular Ltd., paid the VAT on the transactions of activation of SIM cards, since earlier in case of State of UP v. Union of India, Supreme Court held the activity of activation of SIM cards as exigible to VAT.