Section 184 of the Companies Act, 2013 deals with the disclosure of interest by a director. It provides that every director shall at the first meeting of the Board in which he participates as a director and thereafter at the first meeting of the Board in every financial year
CS Divesh Goyal Services which can be rendered by the Auditors: As per Provisions of Section- 144 of Companies Act, 2013, A Statutory Auditor of company can’t provide the following below mentioned services to followings: To the Company Its Holding Company Its Subsidiary Company Services which a Statutory Auditor can’t provide directly or indirectly to […]
1. How are investment advisers regulated in India? The SEBI (Investment Advisers) Regulations, 2013 (IA Regulations) have been notified on January 21, 2013. The IA Regulations came into effect from April 21, 2013. The regulations specify conditions for registration, certification, capital adequacy, risk profiling and suitability, disclosures to made, code of conduct, records to be maintained, manner of conducting inspection, etc.
This is to inform all concerned that on account of presentation of Union Budget, 2015-16 on 28.02.2015, submission of Bills of entry at the ICES will be stopped on 28.02.2015 at 05.00 PM. Section 48 approvals will also be stopped on 28.02.2015 at 05.00 PM. CHAs/Importers and members of the Trade are advised to expedite the clearance and take Out of Charge of their Bills of Entry in the pipeline before 05.00 PM on 28.02.2015.