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Archive: 22 January 2015

Posts in 22 January 2015

Inside Look at Insider Trading Regulations, 2015

January 22, 2015 4351 Views 0 comment Print

The new Regulations also cast duties on the compliance officer appointed under the Regulations including monitoring and compliances of requirements under the Regulations. Such duties are to be undertaken very prudently. Say in case of employees where there is no requirement of initial disclosure but continual disclosure is required to be made in case of triggering the threshold.

How to Shift Registered Office of Company with In State?

January 22, 2015 52073 Views 0 comment Print

Every company is governed in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, therefore, it is mandatory for all companies to keep the Registrar of Companies informed about the location of the registered office and changes. Thereto from time to time, Promoters of the Company decide the State in which the registered office shall be situated. A registered office is the official address of a company to which all official letters and reminders will be sent by any person, any government or non government or regulatory body.

Salient features of ‘Depository Receipts Scheme, 2014’

January 22, 2015 4885 Views 0 comment Print

A new scheme called ‘Depository Receipts Scheme, 2014’ (DR Scheme, 2014) for investments under ADR/GDR have been notified by the Central Government effective from December 15, 2014 which provides for repeal of extant guidelines for Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds and Ordinary Shares (Through Depositary Receipt Mechanism) Scheme, 1993 except to the extent relating to foreign currency convertible bonds.

What Bank Should disclose while grating credit Facility & on website?

January 22, 2015 586 Views 0 comment Print

Banks should provide a clear, concise, one page key fact statement/fact sheet, as per prescribed format in Annex, to all individual borrowers at every stage of the loan processing as well as in case of any change in any terms and conditions. The same may also be included as a summary box to be displayed in the credit agreement.

Exemption from Payment of advance VAT to works contractors

January 22, 2015 1861 Views 0 comment Print

Instruction on Exemption from payment of advance VAT to works contractors in Punjab The Excise and Taxation Commissioner, Punjab has issued instructions to grant advance VAT exemption to the works contractors whose TDS u/s 27 of Punjab VAT Act, 2005 is being deducted. It is worth mentioning here that this instruction has come after the […]

FEMA terms for ODI by proprietorship concern / unregistered partnership firm in India

January 22, 2015 2000 Views 0 comment Print

Keeping in view the changes in the definition / classification of the exporters as per the Foreign Trade Policy of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry issued from time to time, it has been decided to review the policy framework for Overseas Direct Investments (ODI) by a proprietorship concern / unregistered partnership firm in India.

Issue of partly paid shares & warrants by Indian companies

January 22, 2015 5283 Views 0 comment Print

While discussing the minutes of the 157th Meeting of the Board held on November 19, 2014, it was decided to add a provision that if the acquirer and the Merchant Banker are able to demonstrate that they have contacted all the public shareholders, about the offer in the manner prescribed, then the condition of mandatory participation of 25% of the public shareholders holding shares in demat mode would not be applicable.

A Customs Broker is per-se not an agent of importer or exporter

January 22, 2015 1971 Views 0 comment Print

Section 147 is about liability of Principal and Agent. A Customs Broker is per-se not an agent of the importer or exporter. Section 147 will be applicable to a Customs Broker if the Customs Broker is expressly or impliedly authorized by the owner, importer or exporter of any goods to be his agent.

Guideline for Press Release/Media publicity by CCIT/CIT

January 22, 2015 1470 Views 0 comment Print

As per the current Media Policy of the Department, CIT( M&TP), CBDT acts as the Official Spokesperson and Media Coordinator of the CBDT. The CIT (M&TP) is responsible for effective communication with print/electronic media and for compiling the information prior to putting it in public domain with due consideration of its utility and confidentiality.

Penalty for late filing of the e-forms under Companies Act, 2013

January 22, 2015 71604 Views 0 comment Print

If a assessee delays filing of e-form by more than 270 days from the time period granted for filing of the respective e-form, then penalty as given in the concerned section will be imposed. For eg: If the resolution to be attached in MGT-14 is passed on 21.01.2015, then normal time to file the form is 30 days. Penalty will be imposed if the person doesn’t file the form within 300 days from 21.01.2015 or if the form is not filed within 270 days from 20.02.2015.

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