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Archive: 11 January 2015

Posts in 11 January 2015

CBI arrests JCIT, 2 CAs & Businessmen in bribery case

January 11, 2015 6042 Views 12 comments Print

In the operation which started yesterday across Mumbai and Chennai The CBI, Anti Corruption Branch, Chennai has caught Sallong Yaden, Joint Commissioner, Income Tax, Range-VI, Nungambakkam, Chennai red handed while accepting a bribe of Rs 8 lakhs from a chartered accountant, Shreyans Bhandari of S.H. Bhandari & Co., Chartered Accountants. Bribe was to give a […]

Section 54 places thrust on investment & not on completion

January 11, 2015 3893 Views 0 comment Print

Smt. Rajneet Sandhu vs. DCIT (2010) 133 TTJ 0064 (Chandigarh): In this case the construction of the house was not completed within the prescribed period. It was held that section 54F does not prescribe that the residential house should be completed within the prescribed period and benefit under s. 54F was allowed.

Deduction U/s. 80IB(10) cannot be denied for mere delay in issue of completion certificate by Municipality

January 11, 2015 2163 Views 0 comment Print

Entire case of the Assessing Officer rests on Explanation (ii) to section 80IB(10)(a) of the Act which prescribes that the date of completion of construction of the housing project shall be taken to be the date on which the completion certificate in respect of such housing project is issued by the local authority.

Penalty imposed u/s 271(1)(c) cannot survive if issue is debatable & admitted by HC

January 11, 2015 1645 Views 0 comment Print

when the Hon’ble jurisdictional High Court has admitted substantial question of law on the addition, it becomes apparent that the addition so made has become debatable. The penalty was imposed on the basis of addition so made, therefore, when the addition on the basis of which the penalty was imposed has become doubtful/debatable, therefore, penalty imposed u/s 271(1)(c) of the Act cannot survive.

Depreciation optional- Assessee can claim Depreciation partly in respect of certain block of assets & not in respect of other

January 11, 2015 3635 Views 0 comment Print

Tribunal is right in law and on facts in holding that depreciation not claimed for by the assessee, cannot be allowed as a deduction despite the introduction of the concept of block assets. Depreciation is optional to the assessee and once he chooses not to claim it, the Assessing Officer cannot allow it while computing the income. Further, once the depreciation is option, applying the same ratio of Gujarat High Court and other Courts, it will be optional for block of assets also.

Know Your Customer Guidelines – Faqs

January 11, 2015 1628 Views 0 comment Print

What is KYC? Why is it required? Response: KYC means ‘Know Your Customer’. It is a process by which banks obtain information about the identity and address of the customers. This process helps to ensure that banks’ services are not misused. The KYC procedure is to be completed by the banks while opening accounts and also periodically update the same.

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