सुधीर हालाखंडी बजट आने के पहले हर वर्ष समाचार पत्रों में बजट साल के अगले साल जी.एस.टी. लागू होने की काफी जोर शोर से छपती है लेकिन एक बात हर बार होती है कि कही ना कही बाद में यह खबर आती है कि राज्यों और केंद्र के बीच किसी एक या अधिक मुद्दे पर […]
Implementation of GST is set to be the biggest tax reform hitherto ushered in the country. GST will be a Destination based Consumption Tax & will cover both intra State and Inter State trade & Commerce. Inter State Sales will be subjected to IGST which is combination of CGST & SGST.
Road Map Revised for Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards for Companies Other Than Banking Companies, Insurance Companies and NBFCs; Notification to Follow Soon
The only dispute before us is as to whether the receipts were, in fact, Dharmarth receipts. The assessee’s stand in this regard is that it was collecting Dharmarth in GRs and gate passes, as part of charity; that this Dharmarth collected every month was being passed on to a charitable trust;