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Archive: 01 December 2014

Posts in 01 December 2014

CIT (E) authorised for approval U/s. 10(23C) to Trusts educational institutions/hospitals

December 1, 2014 1889 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 76/2014-Income Tax Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby authorises the Commissioners of Income-tax (Exemptions), to act as ‘prescribed authority’ for the purposes of sub-clause (vi) and sub-clause (via) of clause (23C) of section 10 with effect from the ‘specified date’. NOTIFICATION NO. 76/2014 Dated – 1st December, 2014.

CIT (E) authorised for approval U/s. 10(23C) to Trusts

December 1, 2014 1844 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 75/2014-Income Tax Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby authorises the Commissioner of Income-tax (Exemptions), to act as ‘prescribed authority’ for the purposes of sub-clause (iv) and sub-clause (v) of clause (23C) of section 10 with effect from the ‘specified date’.

HC imposes exemplary cost of Rs. 1 lakh on department for ‘gross abuse of process of Court’

December 1, 2014 985 Views 0 comment Print

It is unfortunate that the Revenue insists in arguing Appeals in this manner and for subsequent Assessment Years. The Revenue ought to have been fair and brought to the notice of this Court the fact that its Appeal challenging the very findings and conclusions for prior Assessment Years has been dismissed by this Court on merits.

Income Tax Due Dates for the Month of December 2014

December 1, 2014 3515 Views 0 comment Print

7 December 2014 –​Due date for deposit of Tax deducted/collected for the month of November, 2014 15 December 2014 –​Second instalment (in the case of an assessee other than a company) or third instalment (in the case of a company) of advance income-tax for the assessment year 2015-16 22 December 2014 –Due date for issue […]

Hussh…Finally Income Tax Return e-filed – Now Face Revamped Income Tax Department

December 1, 2014 5316 Views 0 comment Print

Arjuna, the last date for such income tax return filling is 30th September but this year due to several changes in tax audit report various high courts have extended the due date to 30th November. Almost all taxpayers i.e. Salaried, Business, Professional and Company, etc. have completed their responsibility by filling income tax Return for the financial year 2013-14, thanks to them. But some Late Latif taxpayers may file late return up to March 2015 as there is no penalty till that date for filing return.

ICAI invites comment on Draft AS on Property Plant and Equipment

December 1, 2014 2420 Views 0 comment Print

Invitation to comment on the Exposure Draft of the Accounting Standard (AS) 10 (Revised), Property Plant and Equipment issued by the Accounting Standards Board (ASB) of the ICAI The Accounting Standards Board (ASB) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) at its 207th meeting considered for the upgradation of existing Accounting Standards in […]

Deferment in date of effect of procedure for export of certified organic products

December 1, 2014 306 Views 0 comment Print

Now it has been decided to grant some transition time to make the Public Notice No. 73 (RE-2013)/2009-2014 dated 18.11.2014 effective. Accordingly, the procedure notified vide Public Notice No. 73 (RE-2013)/2009-2014 dated 18.11.2014 would come into effect from 18/12/2014.

Modification to Offer for Sale (OFS) of Shares through stock exchange mechanism

December 1, 2014 1487 Views 0 comment Print

To make it easier for retail investors to participate in OFS, it has been decided that seller may give an option to retail investors to place their bid at cut-off price in addition to placing price bids. In order to do so, following conditions shall be applicable:

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