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Archive: 04 March 2014

Posts in 04 March 2014

Visiting India post- employment abroad could trigger tax implications

March 4, 2014 1009 Views 0 comment Print

In the context of the residential status of a person employed outside India, the Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR) has recently pronounced a decision in the case of Smita Anand (A.A.R. No.1091 of 2011 Dated 19.02.2014) which provides important learnings for employees wanting to settle back in India.

Section 35AC- Notification No. 1/2014-Income Tax , Dated : 04.03.2014

March 4, 2014 652 Views 0 comment Print

Whereas in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 35AC of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) read with Rule 11G of the Income Tax Rules, 1962, the Central Government constituted the National Committee for Promotion of Social and Economic Welfare vide notification of the Government of India

A Study of Corporate Bond Market in India: Theoretical and Policy Implications

March 4, 2014 717 Views 0 comment Print

The main objective of the study was to trace the reforms which have been put in place during the last decade in the corporate bond market in India and consequent developments. In addition, the study analysed the experience of other emerging and developing economies (EDEs) at similar stage of development, such as Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Brazil, to capture lessons in relation to the development of Indian corporate bond market.

Central Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme, 2013 for Industrial units in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand

March 4, 2014 17652 Views 0 comment Print

Notification F.NO.2(1)/2013-SPS The Government of India is pleased to notify the extension of the following scheme of Central Grant or Subsidy under Special Package – II for Industrial units in the states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand with a view to accellerating the industrial development in these States.

PPF Deposit Account immune from attachment for recovery of tax dues

March 4, 2014 14720 Views 0 comment Print

Hon’ble Gujarat HC has held in the case of Dineshchandra Bhailalbhai Gandhi VS. TRO has held that deposits in PPF Account are immune from attachment for recovery of tax dues and Rule 10 of Schedule II of the I-T Act exempts all such properties from attachment or sale.

DGFT removes MEP(Minimum Export Price) on export of onions

March 4, 2014 733 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No 72 (RE-2013)/2009-2014, Dated, 4th March 2014 – MEP(Minimum Export Price) on export of onions is removed till further orders

SMS alert service for waiting list Rail passengers launched

March 4, 2014 1544 Views 0 comment Print

Newly Developed ‘SMS Gateway’ Launched for Sending Alerts to Railway Passengers Regarding their PNR Status  (PIB News) Indian Railways added another milestone by launching yet another innovative scheme called the ‘SMS Gateway’, which will enable passengers to get SMS alerts on the status of reserved tickets. The ‘SMS Gateway’ which was developed by Centre for […]

CBDT extends due of TDS/TCS statement for Govt. deductees – No Refund of Fees Paid U/s. 234E

March 4, 2014 12184 Views 0 comment Print

CBDT Circular No. 07/2014 All Chief Commissioners of Income-tax All Directors General of Income-tax Sub: Ex-post facto extension of due date for filing TDS/TCS statements for FYs 2012-13 and 2013-14 – regarding The Central Board of Direct Taxes (‘the Board’) has received several petitions from deductors/collectors, being an office of the Government (‘Government deductors’), regarding delay in filing of TDS/TCS statements due to late furnishing of the Book Identification Number (BIN) by the Principal Accounts Officers (PAO) / District Treasury Office (DTO) / Cheque Drawing and Disbursing Office (CDDO). This has resulted in consequential levy of fees under section 234E of the Income-Tax Act, 1961(‘the Act’).

Conditions for allowing CENVAT – Rule 4 of CCR,2004

March 4, 2014 29206 Views 0 comment Print

Conditions for allowing CENVAT Credit in respect of input /capital goods, Percentage of claiming CENVAT Input in First Year and second year, Condition for allowing credit when goods sent for job work, eligibility of CENVAT when purchase on lease or hire purchase etc.

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