Reverse Charge Mechanism – Normally, service tax is payable by person who provides the service. Section 68(2) makes provision for reverse charge i.e. making person receiving the service liable to pay tax. Authority for reverse charge u/s 68(2) of Finance Act, 1994
Under Section 10 (1) of the DVAT Act, 2004 where any purchaser has been issued with a credit note or debit note in terms of section 51 of this Act or if he returns or rejects goods purchased, as a consequence of which the tax credit claimed by him in any tax period in respect of which the purchase of goods relates,
Special Auditor should always mention the name of the dealer, along with its TIN, whose accounts are to be audited and the period of Audit in the covering letter in all communications made in respect of that dealer.
Revenue from service tax has grown by over 300 times in past two decades. According to provisional figures the revenue from service tax touched about 1.32 lakh crore rupees in 2012-13, compared to 407 crore rupees earned in 1994-95, when service tax was introduced.