The existing SION A-1189 is applicable for Sodium Silicate in Liquid form, but does not say so specifically. To make the SIONs more specific, separate norms for liquid and solid forms are notified.
It is not open to the petitioner to challenge the notice of attachment of immovable property as she is not the owner of the property as per her claim. If the notice has been wrongly issued to the petitioner, it is open to the petitioner to give a representation to the respondent authority setting out the details of the transaction that has taken place as above.
Raise personal income tax exemption limit to Rs 3 lakh, reduce service tax and excise tax to eight per cent from 12 per cent and increase deduction of interest on housing loan to 5 lakh to revive consumer demand and boost investment, ASSOCHAM said in its pre-Budget recommendations to the government. The effective rate of corporate tax should also be brought down to 25 per cent from 32.45 per cent at present.
Notification No. 53/2012-Income Tax In the notification of Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, No. 51/2012, dated 23rd November, 2012 bearing S.O. 2777(E) and published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii), dated 23rd November, 2012