In exercise of powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2009-2014, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments in Part B of Aayat Niryat Form – ANF 5B of the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.I, (Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms).
SEBI vide circular dated April 26, 2010 has issued guidelines for market makers on stock exchange/trading platform by a recognized stock exchange having nationwide trading terminals for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
In the present case, the revenue authorities, sought to apply the statutory presumptions, as contemplated under section 132(4A) to the facts of the present case, without establishing the factum that the assessee was found in possession or control of any books of account, other documents, money, bullion, jewellery or other valuable article or thing etc. In this specific context, it is inconceivable and incomprehensible, as to how the provisions of section 132(4A) are applicable to the facts of the case, without showing satisfaction of the statutory conditions precedent contained therein.
Assessee admittedly was having only one homogenous business activity that was construction and selling of flats. No doubt, it was having five projects, but the question is whether each of the projects were forming part and parcel of one unit or part of one industrial undertaking.
Now coming to the other aspect on the basis of which the AO disallowed the claim as to whether or not expenditure incurred as a result of compounding of violation of municipal laws & Environmental laws falls within the ambit of aforesaid explanation to sec. 37(1) of the Act, Hon’ble Karnataka High Court in CIT v. Mamta Enterprises [2004] 266 ITR 356 held that compounding of the offence cannot take away the rigors of the Explanation to S.37(1) in view of the expression ‘shall not be deemed to have been incurred’ used in that Explanation.
Section 65(19) of the Act defines business auxiliary service and excludes ‘information technology service’ which is defined in the Explanation to the said section as “any service in relation to designing, developing or maintaining of computer software, or computerised data processing or system networking, or any other service primarily in relation to operation of computer systems.
Whether the disclosure/admission of Assessee of taxing the income @ 8% when faced with detailed enquiry is a voluntary surrender and not liable for penalty under section 271(1)(c) of the Act?”
The principle is that the assessee has to prove the identity of the creditor, the genuineness of the transaction and the creditworthiness of the creditor in order to discharge the burden cast on him, that a particular cash credit found in his books is genuine having regard to the nature and the source thereof and, therefore, cannot be added to his income under section 68.
Section 48(1) of the Act provides for mode of computation and deduction while charging capital gain. Clause-I thereof in particular provides for a payment from the value of consideration received or accrued as a result of transfer of capital asset, expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively in connection with such transfer. The Tribunal found that looking to the peculiar facts of the case noted above, such expenditure cannot be stated to be incurred wholly and exclusively in connection with such transfer. We do not find that Tribunal committed any legal error.
Overseas commission agent services promotes the assessee’s business activities and adds to Revenue earning by manufacture and sale of incremental quantity, activity may have nexus to such sales and Service Tax paid on such services has to be held as includable in the definition of inputs services.