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Archive: 25 November 2012

Posts in 25 November 2012

Cenvat credit can be taken on machine procured prior to registration

November 25, 2012 2904 Views 0 comment Print

Ld. A.R has not been able to point out any provisions to the effect that Cenvat credit cannot be taken on machine procured prior to the date of issue of registration certificate. The argument of the lower authorities seems to be that the credit entries in the register for taking credit should not have been earlier than the date of granting of registration.

Full value of consideration could not be substituted by market price if bona fide of the transaction not suspected

November 25, 2012 1312 Views 0 comment Print

When the bona fideof the transaction and the actual sale consideration received by the assessee has not been suspected, then for the purpose of computation of capital gains, the full value of consideration can not be substituted by market price or value of the capital asset as on the date of transfer.

ST Demand cannot be upheld under a category different than mentioned in show-cause notice

November 25, 2012 1586 Views 0 comment Print

Firstly, there is a legal infirmity that tax is demanded under a category of service different from the one for which demand was initially issued. There is also the issue that Clearing and Forwarding Service could be rendered using a godown made available by the service recipient. In this case the service recipient has taken godown on rent from the service provider itself.

Claim made Through invalid revised return can also be considered

November 25, 2012 1385 Views 0 comment Print

The AO examined the details of legal and professional charges paid by the company and noticed that the claim of Rs.5 lacs paid to M/s Kotak Mahindra Capital Company Ltd towards placement fees and earned dividend income which was claimed exempt u/s 10(34) of the Act. The company did not make any disallowance for the purposes of section 14A of the Act.

Service Tax Penalty cannot be imposed u/s. 76 and 78 simultaneously

November 25, 2012 4131 Views 0 comment Print

We are of the view that even if technically, scope of sections 76 and 78 of the Act may be different, as submitted on behalf of the revenue, the fact that penalty has been levied under section 78 could be taken into account for levying or not levying penalty under section 76 of the Act. In such situation, even if reasoning given by the appellate authority that if penalty under section 78 of the Act was imposed, penalty under section 76 of the Act could never be imposed may not be correct,

Settlement Commission is barred from entertaining application after time limit prescribed for making an assessment order u/s. 143/144 expired

November 25, 2012 1334 Views 0 comment Print

Since no assessment order can be passed after the expiry of the prescribed time-limit, no proceeding can be taken in it. Moreover, proceeding for assessment/reassessment under section 147 are specifically excluded from the purview of case as defined under Section 245A(b). Thus, there is no question of proceedings of the type which are subject matter of this petition can be said to be pending.

Proceedings u/s. 147 not to initiated to examine as to whether there is escapement of income

November 25, 2012 1871 Views 0 comment Print

Reverting to the facts of the instant case, it is seen that insofar as the second reason is concerned, the Assessing Officer initiated reassessment proceedings with a view to ‘examine’ whether the assessee had accumulated reserve. Obviously, the scope of section 147 cannot encompass such an action under which certain examination is to be conducted for forming a reason to believe as to the escapement of income.

Foreign gift may be treated as undisclosed income on the basis of Confession before FERA Authorities

November 25, 2012 663 Views 0 comment Print

In the present case, the evidence in the form of confirmatory letters, deed of gifts etc. were found during the course of search. The authorities on examination of the confirmatory letters and surrounding circumstances reached a prima facie view that the gifts were not genuine. A notice dated 27.06.1996 under Section 158BC of the Act was accordingly issued.

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