The matter has since been reviewed in consultation with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India and it has been decided to allow ADs to sell foreign exchange to a unit in the DTA for making payment in foreign exchange to a unit in the SEZ for the services rendered by it (i.e. a unit in SEZ) to a DTA unit. It may, however, be ensured that there is an enabling provision of supplying these goods/services by the SEZ unit to the DTA unit and for payment in foreign exchange for such goods/ services to the SEZ unit, in the Letter of Approval (LoA) issued to the SEZ unit by the Development Commissioner(DC) of the SEZ. A. P. (DIR Series 2012-13) Circular No. 46
Notification No. 1/2012 under CPR Scheme 2011-Income Tax In exercise of its powers under clause (ii) of Para 14 read with clause (7) of Para 4 of the ‘Centralized Processing of Returns Scheme, 2011’, issued vide C B D T Notification No. SO 16(E) dated 4.1.2012, the Director General of Income Tax (System) hereby extends the time limit for filing ITR-V forms relating to Income Tax Returns filed electronically (without digital signature Certificate)
Modified version of the Service Tax Return (ST3) for the quarter Apr-Jun,2012 is now available for uploading to ACES .It is available in ‘DOWNLOADS’ section in offline version only and not online version. In view of the implementation of the Negative List concept in Service Tax with effect from 1st July, 2012, the return filing cycle of six months (April-September, 2012) has been spilt.
This has reference to your application for the multipurpose panel for the year 2012-13. Please click on the relevant interval to know your category in the subject Panel. MEF00001 to MEF10000 MEF10001 to MEF20000 MEF20001 to MEF30000