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Archive: 29 September 2012

Posts in 29 September 2012

Cenvat Credit on Advances towards provision of taxable service

September 29, 2012 9422 Views 0 comment Print

Input service is defined in Rule 2(l) of Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004 as service used by the manufacturer or service provider. Wherever the word “input service’ appears in Cenvat Credit Rules, it would connote the meaning as input service used. Being so, Service Tax on advances, inasmuch as it relates to a service provided and not used by the manufacturer or service provider , availment of such credit poses problem and is prone to litigation.

Analysis of Rule 3 of Point of Taxation Rules, 2011

September 29, 2012 10929 Views 0 comment Print

The purpose of presenting this article to the various members is to provide the clarity on the issue regarding the booking of income (without raising invoice to the respective parties) at the end of the financial year say March 2012 and the applicability of Service Tax on this income. In other words, when the service provider has provided the service before the end of the financial year say March 2012, but the invoice for the same has not been issued till March 2012.

No Service Tax Return Filing Till Modification in ST 3 Form

September 29, 2012 9355 Views 0 comment Print

All Service Tax assessees are hereby informed that they will not be able to file ST 3 returns in ACES now and have to wait until the modified version of ST 3 Form is made available in a few weeks. Please revisit ACES website(http://www.aces.gov.in) for further information. Inconvenience caused is regretted.

No service tax on railway tickets issued prior to 1-10-2012

September 29, 2012 1445 Views 0 comment Print

Levy of Service Tax on Railway Passengers Travelling in AC Classes/First Class from 1-10-2012 – No Service Tax to be Levied on Tickets Issued Prior to 1-10-2012 – In Case of Cancellation of Tickets Issued on or after 1st October 2012, the Applicable Amount Including Service Tax to be Refunded by Railways

Income Tax offices to remain open on 29th & 30th September, 2012

September 29, 2012 2488 Views 0 comment Print

The Board has decided that the Income-tax offices all over India shall make special arrangements by opening of receipt counters on 29th & 30th September, 2012 being Saturday & Sunday respectively for the convenience of taxpayers.

Section 295 of Companies Act, 1956 – An Analysis

September 29, 2012 28390 Views 0 comment Print

Section 295 of Company Law deals with the loan given to DIRECTORS of the company. It also covers the security or guarantee provided for the same. Let us see in each detail, all the aspects of this section. As per section 295 of Companies Act 1956, previous approval of Central Government is required, if any company directly or indirectly-

Special Allowances Where Exemption Depends Upon Actual Expenditure By Employee

September 29, 2012 10143 Views 0 comment Print

The following allowances are exempt under section 10(14) to the extent the amount is utilized for the specified purpose for which the allowance is received. In other words, in the cases given below the amount of exemption under section 10(14) is –

Service tax Refund on Canellation of Railway Ticket

September 29, 2012 1817 Views 0 comment Print

In case of refund of passenger fare, if any, refund of Service Tax shall be claimed by the passenger from the concerned Service Tax authority.  No refund shall be made by the Railways on this account.  For the purpose of claiming refund, Chief Commercial Manager (CCM)  office of concerned Zonal Railway shall issue a certificate […]

Kelkar Committee Recommends – Faster Refund, TDS Reconciliation, Mandatory PAN, Higher Interest rate delayed tax payment

September 29, 2012 2097 Views 0 comment Print

The Direct Taxes Code Bill, 2010 which intends to revamp the law relating to direct taxes is likely to result in considerable unacceptable losses on a continuing basis. Given the low tax-GDP ratio and the existing fiscal crisis, there is absolutely no fiscal space for such large revenue loss. Therefore, the Direct Taxes Code Bill, 2010 should be comprehensively reviewed before it is enacted into law for implementation.

Delete Annexures I & II to 3cd, Tax Audit to Co-operative Societies – Clarify – ICAI

September 29, 2012 999 Views 0 comment Print

For better compliance of the statutory obligations, we recently made a representation to CBDT to review and delete both the Annexures I and II to Form No. 3CD as they have outlived their utility. We are hoping that our request will be accepted by the Department. Further, we also submitted a Representation to CBDT to clarify the applicability of provisions of Section 44AB to Cooperative Societies. This is because it was brought to our notice that majority of Co-operative Societies carrying on business or providing services and claiming deduction under section 80P of the Income tax Act, 1961, were under the impression that they are not required to get their accounts audited under section 44AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961.

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