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Archive: 04 August 2012

Posts in 04 August 2012

Reason for non matching of CPC intimation with Income tax Return Filed

August 4, 2012 10379 Views 0 comment Print

1. Salary income shown at higher figure than entered – In Salary Schedule higher figure is reported under Gross salary which should be excluding Exempt income (such as transport allowance etc). Taxpayer may have mentioned Transport allowance in Exempt Income and may have deducted the same to arrive at a lower net figure in the final calculation. However, the Exempt income is to be mentioned only for reporting purposes and should not be used in any calculation.

Interest u/s. 244A payable on gross amount including principal as well as interest

August 4, 2012 4710 Views 0 comment Print

The High Court has failed to appreciate that while charging interest from the assessees, the Department first adjusts the amount paid towards interest so that the principal amount of tax payable remain outstanding and they are entitled to charge interest till the entire outstanding is paid. But when it comes to granting of interest on refund of taxes, the refunds are first adjusted towards the taxes and then the balance towards interest. Hence, as per the stand that the Department takes they are liable to pay interest only up to the date of refund of tax while they take the benefit of assessees funds by delaying the payment of interest on refunds without incurring any further liability to pay interest,. This stand taken by the respondents is discriminatory in natrure and thereby causing great prejudice to the lakhs and lakhs of assessees.

Service tax cannot be included in total receipts for determining presumptive income

August 4, 2012 1203 Views 0 comment Print

Reimbursement of custom duty paid by the assessee could not form part of amount for the purpose of deemed profits u/s 44BB unlike the other amounts received towards reimbursement. Following the view in this decision, Mumbai Bench in their decision in Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines(supra)held that service tax being a statutory liability, would not involve any element of profit and accordingly, the same could not be included in the total receipts for determining the presumptive income.

Custom officials have the habit of sharing booty at 3 o’clock

August 4, 2012 730 Views 0 comment Print

Despite government efforts to institute reforms in the Bureau of Customs, the 3 o’clock habit or practice of collecting and distributing bribe money to corrupt among the bureau’s personnel remained unabated, Senator Panfilo Lacson said on Thursday. Lacson told a weekly forum at the Senate that the distribution of “tara” or bribe to Customs employees was still being held at 3 o’clock every Friday afternoon when employees gathered in the Customs zone.

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