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Archive: 17 July 2012

Posts in 17 July 2012

Tribunal has no power to adjust payment of sales tax against service tax

July 17, 2012 1214 Views 0 comment Print

In the case of Idea Mobile Communication Ltd. v. CCE&C [2011] 32 STT 262/12 taxmann.com 307 (SC), the Apex Court has confirmed the view taken by the High Court wherein it was held that a transaction of selling of SIM card to the subscriber is also a part of the ‘service’ rendered by the service provider to the subscriber. The contention of the assessee that the amount paid as sales tax be considered as sufficient compliance of section 35F of the Central Excise Act, read with section 83 of the Finance Act could not be accepted. As the Tribunal has no power to adjust such payments as the same is created under the special Act, i.e., Customs Act, Finance Act and Central Excise Act. Therefore, the Tribunal has no power to adjust the payment of sales tax against service tax. As discussed above, the assessee had failed to make out a case for 100 per cent waiver of pre-deposit.

Sell of business to broker by sub-broker with tangible assets would not make sale agreement to that of agency

July 17, 2012 1051 Views 0 comment Print

We find that when a person was allowed to act as sub broker, he was initially allowed to issue even a contract note to his clients. Moreover, such sub broker could receive payments from clients and make payments to clients from his accounts. This position was changed vide Circular No. 9 (SEBI/MRD/MIRSD/DPS-1/CIR-31/2004) dated 26th August, 2004 as noted by the AO. But by this change assessee could still act as a remisier and the only restriction is that now he cannot issue the contract note for any transaction which has to be issued by the main broker. Even the payments were to be received and made by the main broker. However, assessee still remained entitled to his commission which was to be shared by the main broker with such remisier. Therefore, the assessee even after the change of regulation could have still acted and could have shared the commission with the main broker i.e. Sharekhan or he could have changed his broker or even he could have himself become a member of the stock exchange because he had a large client basis. Simply because assessee preferred to sell his business along with tangible assets would not mean that the agreement would become that of an agency. It still remained an agreement between a principal to principal. Therefore, in our opinion, it is a clear case of sale of assets and the Ld. CIT(A) has correctly decided the issue and accordingly we confirm his order.

Once payment of service tax made by service provider to Treasury, assessee may not be denied benefit of Cenvat credit subject to proving use of service in accordance with law

July 17, 2012 819 Views 0 comment Print

Once the payment of service tax had been made by service provider to Treasury, assessee may not be denied the benefit of Cenvat credit, subject to appropriate examination of the allegation in the show-cause notice and proving use of the service in accordance with law. The original authority had to be satisfied that requirement of rule 9(5) of the Cenvat Credit Rules was fulfilled and service-tax paid was relating to input service that was ultimately used in manufacture of excisable goods. If he was satisfied that there was nexus, dependability, integrity, indispensability and inevitability, there may not be a difficulty to consider the claim of the assessee.

MCA invites views/suggestions on the proposed ‘Multi-State Societies Registration Bill, 2012’

July 17, 2012 493 Views 0 comment Print

The Ministry has constituted an Expert Group to study the legislative and regulatory architecture of The Societies Registration Act, 1860 governing the functioning of societies in India and also to study the ground situation with respect to the operation of the said Act so as to identify the regulatory gaps and oversight mechanism with a view to formulate a Model Law on the subject. The Expert Group has submitted its report to the Ministry on 5.07.2012 proposing a legislation titled as ‘Multi-state Societies Registration Bill, 2012’. The Report and the proposed Bill has been uploaded for ready access at the website of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs viz. www.mca.gov.in.

Guidance Note on Certification of XBRL Financial Statements

July 17, 2012 2036 Views 0 comment Print

The objective of the Guidance Note issued by ICAI is to provide guidance to the practitioners in certification of XBRL formatted statements in terms of the requirements of the Ministry’s General Circular No. 57/ 2011 dated July 28, 2011 read with MCA’s General Circular No. 43/2011 dated July 07, 2011. These Circulars require that besides signing by signatories as specified under section 215 of the Companies Act, 1956, the financial statements prepared in XBRL mode for filing on MCA-21 portal would also need to be certified by, inter alia, a Chartered Accountant. The financial statements referred here would mean the balance sheet, the profit and loss account, the cash flow statements and the related notes to account.

Audit Risk- Component, Model, Concepts, Assessment & Internal Control

July 17, 2012 5969 Views 0 comment Print

In very broad terms, audit risk is the risk of a material misstatement of a financial statement item that is or should be included in the audited financial statements of an entity. In this regard, a financial statement item includes any related notes to the financial statements.

Petition under section 397/398 – Subsequent events – Scope?

July 17, 2012 5370 Views 0 comment Print

Section 397/398 of the Companies Act, 1956 provides relief to the minority shareholders against the oppressive actions of the majority and the mis-management in the company. Section 399 of the Companies Act, 1956 deals with the issue as to who can approach the Company Law Board (CLB) seeking relief under section 397/398 and other connected provisions. Section 399 of the Companies Act, 1956 is reproduced below:

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