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Archive: 15 July 2012

Posts in 15 July 2012

Direct Investments Outside India

July 15, 2012 2354 Views 0 comment Print

(1) Overseas investments in Joint Ventures (JV) and Wholly Owned Subsidiaries (WOS) have been recognised as important avenues for promoting global business by Indian entrepreneurs. Joint Ventures are perceived as a medium of economic and business co-operation between India and other countries. Transfer of technology and skill, sharing of results of R&D, access to wider global market, promotion of brand image, generation of employment and utilisation of raw materials available in India and in the host country are other significant benefits arising out of such overseas investments.

Winding up petition cannot be rejected on the ground that net worth of respondent-company is positive

July 15, 2012 1612 Views 0 comment Print

If there is no dispute as to the company’s liability, it is difficult to hold that the company should be able to pay its debts merely by proving that it is able to pay the debts. If the debt is an undisputedly owing, then it should be paid. If the company refuses to pay, without good reason, it should not be able to avoid the statutory demand by proving at the statutory demand stage, that it is solvent. In other words, commercial solvency can be seen as relevant as to whether there was a dispute as to the debt, not as a ground in itself, that means it cannot be characterised as a stand alone ground

In the absence of any valid agreement appellant cannot seek a direction to Official Liquidator

July 15, 2012 1672 Views 0 comment Print

If the argument of the appellant were to be accepted, it would make the provisions of compulsory registration under the Registration Act redundant and otiose. Thus the appellant, in the absence of any valid agreement can neither seek a direction to the Official Liquidator nor will any purpose be served in granting permission to the appellant to sue the company-in-liquidation for specific performance when as per the admitted facts, the appellant is unable to prove and/or is prohibited from proving the agreement.

Chemist association held guilty of taking anti-competitive measure

July 15, 2012 5654 Views 0 comment Print

a. In the appointment of stockists by way of issue of ‘NOC’ and regulating the number of stockists in contravention of Section 3(3)(b) of the Competition Act, 2002. b. In preventing and restricting the retailers from allowing discounts to the consumers in contravention of Section 3(3)(a) of the Competition Act, 2002. As mentioned earlier a suo motto investigation be initiated into the nexus between associations both horizontal and vertical for as observed most of the practices have evolved over several decades. In fact, association in the pharma industry associations have impacted on several activities along the value chain.

Refusal to convert warrants into equity shares cannot constitute ingredients of complaint u/s. 397/398 of Companies Act

July 15, 2012 2647 Views 0 comment Print

The refusal of OSIL to convert 35,00,000 warrants held by Bhushan Energy Limited into equal number of equity shares may amount to a breach of contract but such breach of contract cannot constitute the ingredients of a complaint under Sections 397, 398, 402 and 403 of the Companies Act. As decided in the case of Incable Net (Andhra) Ltd. (supra), such breach could give rise to an action of breach of contract under Section 73 of the Indian Contract Act, 1972.

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