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Archive: 21 September 2011

Posts in 21 September 2011

IRDA – Clarifications on Guidelines on Outsourcing of Activities by Insurance Companies

September 21, 2011 2089 Views 0 comment Print

Reference is also invited to proviso 5.2 read in conjunction with Sl No. 2 Column 4 of Annexure – 1 of the within referred guidelines. With regard to the Registration Fee collected under RSBY in addition to the entities referred therein,

IRDA – Creation of Indian specific ACORD standards for the Indian Insurance Market

September 21, 2011 1225 Views 0 comment Print

Though the Indian insurance industry has been in existence for over 125 years, the pace of standardization and integration has picked up speed with the liberalization of the sector. The most time and cost-consuming activities are concentrated in back office functions and administrative tasks. These business functions are the highest priority for automation and have the potential to deliver the fastest and greatest return on investment. While e-business greatly reduces these difficulties and removes all error-prone and slow administrative tasks, the challenge is ensuring that the sector is able to conduct business electronically.

RBI – Access criteria for payment systems

September 21, 2011 1390 Views 0 comment Print

With a view to strengthening the risk management framework, as also to facilitate wider access to payment systems, the Reserve Bank of India had constituted a Working Group to review of the existing access criteria guidelines. It may also be recalled that in the Second Quarter Review of Monetary policy 2010-11 (November 2, 2010- para 97 ), it was decided:

In case of bounced cheque the magistrate in the place where the cheque was drawn and where the drawee bank is situated has jurisdiction to deal with the complaint

September 21, 2011 1523 Views 0 comment Print

In a case of bounced cheque, the Delhi high court has ruled that the magistrate in the place where the cheque was drawn and where the drawee bank is situated has jurisdiction to deal with the complaint. The power under the Negotiable Instruments Act is not with the magistrate where the cheque was presented or from where the notice was issued to the offending party. Shree Raj issued some 45 cheques drawn on State Bank of India in Mumbai to Destination of the World in New Delhi. When the payee company presented them to ICICI Bank in Delhi, they were dishonoured by bank for want of funds.

Online filing of excise duty, service tax returns mandatory from 1st October 2011

September 21, 2011 5236 Views 0 comment Print

Finance ministry has made it mandatory for taxpayers to file their central excise (Circular No.955/16/2011-CX, Dated-15th Sept., 2011) and service tax returns (Notification No. 43/2011 – Service Tax, DATED 25-8-2011) electronically from October 1, 2011. E-filing through the Centre’s online tax payment application Automation of Central Excise and Service Tax will be a must not only for returns due after October 1, but also for returns of past periods which have not been filed yet or are to be revised.

Modification of Guidelines for Individual Agents for Persistency of Life Insurance Policies

September 21, 2011 1895 Views 0 comment Print

Reference is invited to the captioned circular issued by the Authority. The Authority is in receipt of representations from the Industry seeking revisiting of certain provisions of the said circular. Accordingly, keeping in view the objective of ensuring higher levels of persistency of life insurance policies as also conserving the agency force, the Authority issues the following modifications.

IRDA – Modification of Guidelines pertaining to Individual Agents

September 21, 2011 1906 Views 0 comment Print

In partial modification of Clause (1) of the captioned circular the term ‘relative’ is re defined as “the term ‘relative’ shall include spouse, dependent children or dependent step children, whether residing with the employee or not”. Further it is clarified that this clause is applicable only in respect of agents who are licensed or whose agency is transferred to another insurer on or after 01st July, 2011.

Terms of Reference of Task Force for Direct Transfer of Subsidies Expanded to Include an Aadhaar-Enabled Unified Payment Infrastructure

September 21, 2011 747 Views 0 comment Print

The terms of reference of the Task Force under the Chairmanship of Shri Nandan Nilekani, Chairman, Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has been expended to include an Aadhaar-enabled unified payment infrastructure. The said Task Force was constituted by the Ministry of Finance in February 2011 to recommend and implement a solution for direct transfer of subsidies on Kerosene, LPG and Fertilizer to the intended beneficiaries.

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