As you may be aware section 25 of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 accords the same rights and remedies to the payee (beneficiary) against dishonour of electronic funds transfer instructions for insufficiency of funds in the account of the payer (remitter), as are available to the payee under section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.
The Court held that an order sanctioning a scheme under section 394 of the Companies Act falls within the description of the words ‘instrument’ and `conveyance’ within the meaning of the West Bengal Stamp Act, 1964. Accordingly, it is subject to stamp duty. The Court also observed that no property transferred pursuant to any scheme in the State of West Bengal would be effective unless appropriate stamp duty is paid. This ruling may be relevant in the States which do not have a specific clause for merger/demerger under sections 391-394 of the Companies Act, 1956 in the conveyance entry in the Stamp duty schedule.
Circular No. 146/15/2011 – Service Tax – Audit of the accounts of M/s Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd, Tiruchirapalli – Issue of eligibility or otherwise of Notification No.03/1994 – ST dated 30.6.1994 in case of telephone services for local calls provided through Village Panchayat Telephones – regarding.
India has signed a double taxation avoidance agreement (DTAA) with Estonia and has also forged a pact to work with the European nation in the fields of information, communications and technology (ICT). Communications and Information Technology Minister Kapil Sibal signed the pact during his visit to Estonia on September 19, during which he also met Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip, an official statement said.
Dredging International NV vs. ADIT (ITAT Mumbai) – DRP cannot issue any directions which are at variance from the proposed draft order. Further, any provision made towards foreseeable losses is an allowable expenditure. The arguments are that the assessee has already shown the revenue receipt, i.e. work-in-progress at Rs. 19,83,63,908/- which was more than the contract receipts determined by the DRP at Rs.13,12,94,847/- and so the question of estimating revenue on the amount as directed by the DRP does not arise as contested in ground No. 3. Further, since assessee claimed the future loss of Rs.32,86,17,293/- and this future loss was proposed to be disallowed by the A.O. in the draft assessment order, the DRP cannot direct the A.O. to estimate the profit on 20% of the contract at 8%, which is at variance with the proposed draft order.
Government today said that it was working on a system to automatically transfer service tax refunds in their accounts. Currently, the duty drawback is directly credited to accounts of exporters maintained at customs houses, but exporters have to file claims separately to get service tax refunds. Exporters complain that many a times there are unusual delay in refund of the levy.
CIT Vs. Dataware Pvt. Ltd. (Calcutta High Court) Assessee’s AO cannot question Creditor’s Income Tax Return instead he should inquire with creditor’s AO
The Central Direct & Indirect Taxes Committees are in the process of identifying issues that need to be taken up in the Pre-Budget Memoranda on Direct & Indirect Taxes – 2012 to be submitted to the Ministry of Finance.
The Second round of consultations on the revised version of National Competition Policy will held tomorrow at FICCI, Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi. The Union Minister for Corporate Affairs Dr. M.Veerappa Moily will chair the consultations.
The Union Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Shri Kapil Sibal has said that adequate balance needs to be maintained between needs of ‘privacy of individual’ and ‘genuine security concerns of state’ while dealing with challenges of cyber security. Delivering keynote address in the opening session of the Summit on Information and Network Security for Emerging Markets on September 20, 2011 at Helsinki, he cautioned that the cyber attacks come not only from individuals but also from rival corporate houses and rouge states.