GFT has notified all the conditions approved by EGOM and it was decided to first call for intent to export through e-mail for shortlisting of the successful allottees by applying a cut whenever the quantity of 10 lakh MTs is exhausted on a first come first served basis. A wait list of applicants will also be maintained in case any of the successful allottee is not able to produce complete documents or obtain Registration Certificate. In the second stage the applicants were required to submit all the prescribed documents to the concerned Regional Authorities/DGFT (HQ) for scrutiny and issue of Registration Certificate enabling them to export the rice. The DGFT vide Trade Notice dated 27-07-2011 notified allocation of quantities of export of rice to various exporters numbering 82 and a waiting list of 30 applicants. However, Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in its interim order passed on 27-07-2011 in W.P. No. 5237/2011 filed by Kannu Aditya(India) Ltd. has directed that no allotment shall be made till the next date of hearing.