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Archive: 16 August 2011

Posts in 16 August 2011

ICAI issues Verification Status of May-2011 CA Final Examinations

August 16, 2011 6215 Views 0 comment Print

Verification Status of May-201 1 Examinations (Final) 1) Roll Numbers of candidates where no change in marks found Click Here All these candidates have been intimated by post. 2) Roll Numbers of candidates where change in marks found but there is no change in result or exemption in applied papers found Click Here Revised statement of marks has been sent.

Transactions of sale of shares of a closely held company can be construed as transfer of land and short term capital gain is chargeable

August 16, 2011 3142 Views 0 comment Print

Bhoruka Engineering Inds. Ltd. Vs DCIT (ITAT Bangalore)- The whole transaction has been arranged in a sequential manner with M/s. Bhoruka Steel Ltd selling its landed property to BFSL for a nominal value of Rs. 3.75 crores ; BFSL never before doing any business other than financial services purchases the land for Rs. 3.75 crores ; immediately thereafter the assessee company and its entire group holding 98.73% of shares in BFSL selling the share holding to DLF­CDL for a consideration of Rs. 89,28,36,500/- without attracting any levy of taxation.

Income from provision of sea logistic services taxable under presumptive scheme – AAR

August 16, 2011 1022 Views 0 comment Print

Siem Offshore Inc.Versus Commissioner concerned Director of Income-tax, Advance Ruling Authority- The payment for hire of vessels provided by the Applicant to Trans ocean would be covered under the definition of ‘plant’ as defined under section 44BB of the Act. Accordingly, consideration received for supply of vessels on hire used for offshore drilling activities and marine operations would be covered within the purview of section 44BB of the Act.

Repayment of capital to the partners in the form of uncrossed cheque would not be liable to penalty u/s 269T

August 16, 2011 3446 Views 0 comment Print

ITO Vs M/s Universal Associates (ITAT Ahemedabad)- Considering the facts of the case in the light of the above decisions, we are of the view that the at least the assessee has been able to explain reasonable cause for failure to comply with the provisions of law. The ex-partners have introduced their capital in the assessee firm and on retirement they were given their amount back through bearer cheques and, therefore, the assessee is able to prove that it had reasonable cause for failure to comply with the provisions of law.

Whether non-competition fee paid to assessee allowable as revenue expenditure?

August 16, 2011 1126 Views 0 comment Print

Procter & Gamble Distribution Co. Ltd. Vs JCIT (ITAT Mumbai)- Whether the non-competition fee paid to the assessee is allowable as revenue expenditure– Whether the amount paid for licence fee is revenue expenditure for the rights granted which are non-exclusive rights to use the trademarks

Technology in Banking- In Pursuit of Excellence

August 16, 2011 420 Views 0 comment Print

Technology adoption has changed the face of banking in India. What started as a mere automation of some routine work processes in banks in the mid 80’s has moved on to become business process re-engineering which has resulted in making banking services branchless, anytime and anywhere; facilitated new product development and, enabled near real time service delivery. Technology has helped banks to reach the doorsteps of the customer by overcoming the limitations on geographical/ physical reach in branch banking and easing the resource and volume constraints posed by the brick and mortar model.

ICSI – Campus Placement for the fresher members for job and for students for 15 Months Training

August 16, 2011 486 Views 0 comment Print

The Placement Cell of the ICSI is organizing a Campus Placement for the fresher members for job and for students for 15 Months Training on Tuesday, the 30th August 2011 at 10.00 A.M. at ICSI-CCGRT, Plot NO.101, Sector-15, Institutional Area, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai- 400614. Members enrolled on or after 1st June 2011 and Executive /Professional pass students who has yet to commence training are eligible to participate in the event.

Forex market development-Issues and Challenges -Thoughts of a returning forex market regulator

August 16, 2011 811 Views 0 comment Print

I am delighted to be in your midst after a long gap of a decade. The occasion brings back reminiscences of late 1990s and the early years of this century when the forex market in India was quite different from what exists today. A nascent market that it was, needed a lot of hand-holding from RBI. The Rupee was always moving down a one-way street and every bout of volatility ( plenty those days, for example, the South East Asian crisis, Nuclear sanctions, Kargil flare up, 9/11 attack, attack on Indian Parliament, etc) hogged the headlines in the newspapers.

Anand Sharma meets Asean Economic Ministers Negotiators asked to Step up Efforts to Conclude Services and Investment Agreement

August 16, 2011 255 Views 0 comment Print

Shri Anand Sharma, Commerce, Industry & Textiles Minister of India met Trade/Commerce Ministers from the ten ASEAN countries at Manado, Indonesia on 13 August 2011 to review, among other matters, the India-ASEAN Services & Investment Agreement negotiations. The Trade/Commerce Ministers of ASEAN, known as ‘ASEAN Economic Ministers or AEM’, and Shri Sharma met at the ninth round of the AEM-India Consultations meeting.

CBDT Press Release on Direct Tax Collections April-July 2011

August 16, 2011 333 Views 0 comment Print

Gross direct tax collections during the first four months of the current fiscal (April – July 2011) were up by 26.63 percent at Rs.132,542 crore as against Rs.104,668 crore. While gross collection of corporate taxes was up 29.56 percent (Rs.85,222 crore against Rs.65,776 crore last year), gross collection of personal income tax was up by 21.64 percent (Rs.47,2 14 crore against Rs.38,816 crore last year).

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